IIB Matrix Model
- 論文の詳細を見る
We review our proposal for a constructive definition of superstring, type IIB matrix model. The IIB matrix model is a manifestly covariant model for space-time and matter which possesses N=2 supersymmetry in ten dimensions. We refine our arguments to reproduce string perturbation theory based on the loop equations. We emphasize that the space-time is dynamically determined from the eigenvalue distributions of the matrices We also explain how matter, gauge fields and gravitation appear as fluctuations around dynamically determined space-time.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1999-07-26
Kitazawa Yoshihisa
High Energy Accel. Research Org.
Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
Kitazawa Yoshihisa
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (kek)
Kitazawa Yoshihisa
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization Kek
Tsuchiya A
Osaka Univ. Toyonaka Jpn
Tsuchiya Asato
Department Of Physics Graduate School Of Science Osaka University
Iso Satoshi
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
Iso Satoshi
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization Kek
Kawai Hikaru
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Kawai Hikaru
Kek Theory Group
Kawai Hikaru
National Laboratory For High Energy Physics(kek)
AOKI Hajime
Veterinary Clinical Center
AOKI Hajime
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, KEK
TADA Tsukasa
Tohwa Institute for Science, Tohwa University
Aoki Hajime
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization Kek
Tada Tsukasa
Tohwa Institute For Science Tohwa University
Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science Osaka University
TADA Tsukasa
Tohwa Institute for Science, Tohwa University : KEK Theory Group
AOKI Hajime
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
AOKI Hajime
Department of Physics, University of Tokyo
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