Graduate School of Science and technology, Shinshu University | 論文
- Erebia aethiopsグループの分子系統解析
- Identifying stakeholders and their preferences about NFR by comparing use case diagrams of several existing systems
- 霧ヶ峰火山のK-Ar年代
- 第四紀日本列島におけるベニヒカゲの分布変遷史
- Improving Reliability of Spectrum Analysis for Software Quality Requirements Using TCM
- ミトコンドリアDNAからみたシナギフチョウ(華山亜種)の分子系統的位置の研究
- 糸魚川-静岡構造線北端部の化学的特徴と地質環境
- 霧ヶ峰火山のK-Ar年代
- Demethylation Dynamics of the Paternal Genome in Pronuclear-Stage Bovine Zygotes Produced by In Vitro Fertilization and Ooplasmic Injection of Freeze-Thawed or Freeze-Dried Spermatozoa
- Procedure for Bovine ICSI, not Sperm Freeze-drying, Impairs the Function of the Microtubule-organizing Center
- Active Demethylation of Paternal Genome in Mammalian Zygotes
- Follicle Size-Dependent Changes in Follicular Fluid Components and Oocyte Diameter in Antarctic Minke Whales (Balaenoptera bonaerensis)
- Attempt at Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection of In Vitro Matured Oocytes in Common Minke Whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) Captured During the Kushiro Coast Survey
- Improving Reliability of Spectrum Analysis for Software Quality Requirements Using TCM
- Identifying Stakeholders and Their Preferences about NFR by Comparing Use Case Diagrams of Several Existing Systems
- Expression and Localization of a 36-kDa Peptide Derived from a 24-kDa Vacuolar Protein (VP24) Precursor in Anthocyanin-Producing Sweet Potato Cells in Suspension Culture
- Examination of mineral assemblage and chemical composition in the fracture zone of the Nojima Fault at a depth of 1140m : Analyses of the Hirabayashi NIED drill cores
- Distribution of fault rocks in the fracture zone of the Nojima Fault at a depth of 1140m : Observations from the Hirabayashi NIED drill core
- Preparation of Porous Polymers by "in Situ Precipitation" Using Low Molecular Weight Gelators
- Novel Low-Molecular-Weight Gelators Based on Azobenzene Containing L-Amino Acids