Graduate School of Biosphere Science Hiroshima University | 論文
- Comparison of Water Stress Effects on Growth, Leaf Water Status, and Nitrogen Fixation Activity in Tropical Pasture Legumes Siratro and Desmodium with Soybean
- Elevated CO_2 Concentrations Increase Leaf Nitrate Reduction by Strengthening Sink Activity in Soybean Plants
- 9-17 Al induces leaf necrosis and changes of cell wall in Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Melaleuca cajuputi
- ラオス在来アヒルの遺伝子構成と系統分類学的考察
- ベトナム北部における在来アヒルの遺伝子構成
- Changes in the composition of phytate, phosphorus and other cations in soybean seeds with maturity
- Effect of Phosphorus on Drought Tolerance in Chloris gayana Kunth and Coix lacryma-jobi L.
- Real Time Diagnosis of Environmental Stress by Micromorphometric Method : 1. Effect of Air Temperature during Fruitlet Stage of Fruit on Stem and Fruit Diameters, and Fruit Growth in Japanese Pear Tree (Pyrus serotina Reheder cv. Kosui)
- Effect of CO_2 Enrichment on Fruit Growth and Quality in Japanese Pear (Pyrus serotina Reheder cv. Kosui)
- Autolysis of unsalted fish protein under pressurization
- ウスメバル養成親魚に見出された寄生性カイアシ類 Clavella parva
- A Checklist of the Parasites of Eels (Anguilla spp.) (Anguilliformes: Anguillidae) in Japan (1915-2007)
- 魚類寄生虫またはプランクトンとして出現する日本産ニセエラジラミ科カイアシ類の目録(1895-2007年)
- Infection of Japanese Eel Anguilla japonica Elvers by Hemiclepsis marginata (Hirudinida: Glossiphoniidae)
- 日本から記載されたリムノンケア属Limnoncaeaカイアシ類の正体 : プランクトン学と寄生虫学の複合領域的研究の必要性
- Abundance and In-situ Feeding Habits of Neocalanus cristatus (Copepoda: Calanoida) in the Central and Western North Pacific Ocean in Summer and Winter
- Implication of the Occurrence of Chalimus Larvae (Copepoda, Caligidae) on the Larvae of Maurolicus muelleri (Pisces, Sternoptychidae) in the Sea of Japan
- 海洋動物プランクトンの寄生生物 (総説)
- 冬季の北太平洋亜寒帯水域にさけ・ます類の餌は豊富にあるのか?
- Latitudinal Variations in Abundance of Phytoplankton, Macrozooplankton, Salmonids, and Other Epipelagic Fishes in the Northern Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea in Summer