Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences Nagoya University | 論文
- Water Acquisition from the Seasonal Wetland and Root Development of Pearl Millet Intercropped with Cowpea in a Flooding Ecosystem of Northern Namibia(Crop Physiology and Ecology)
- シバヤギにおける絶食および再給餌期間中のGnRHパルスジェネレーター活動と血中代謝基質およびインスリン濃度変化との対応関係
- ニューギニア島高地で同所共存するカザリシロチョウ
- Involvement of Anteroventral Periventricular Metastin/Kisspeptin Neurons in Estrogen Positive Feedback Action on Luteinizing Hormone Release in Female Rats
- 台湾,タイ,インドの研究施設に保存されている中型ナガスクジラ属鯨類標本(西太平洋における島弧の自然史科学的総合研究 第1期:台湾およびフィリピン)
- The impact of nigorobuna crucian carp larvae/fry stocking and rice-straw application on the community structure of aquatic organisms in Japanese rice fields
- 遷移促進を目的としたメドハギ優占切土のり面への自生種導入(第38回大会)
- カイコは環境温度をどのようにライフスパン調節に利用するか胚休眠システムの観点から
- イネにおける葉身傾斜の調節機構
- Growth and Water Use Response of Doubled-Haploid Rice Lines to Drought and Rewatering during the Vegetative Stage(Crop Physiology and Ecology)
- Functional Analysis of Salt-Inducible Proline Transporter of Barley Roots
- Cell Wall Extensibility and Effect of Cell-Wall-Loosening Proteins during Rose Flower Opening
- Magnetization Process and the Associated Lattice Deformations in an Intermetallic Compound Gd_5Ge_3(Condensed matter : electronics structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Properties of Sorbitol Dehydrogenase in Strawberry Fruit and Enhancement of the Activity by Fructose and Auxin
- Functional Role of Mucilage-Border Cells : A Complex Facilitating Protozoan Effects on Plant Growth(Crop Physiology & Ecology)
- Bacterial Communities Associated with Nodal Roots of Rice Plants along with the Growth Stages : Estimation by PCR-DGGE and Sequence Analyses (Soil Biology)
- Food Deprivation Induces Monocarboxylate Transporter 2 Expression in the Brainstem of Female Rat
- 多数目的最適化における進化的探索の問題点
- イチゴのソルビトール脱水素酵素の性質とフルクトースおよびオーキシンによる活性の促進
- トマトの果実特異的発現遺伝子2A11のプロモーター解析