Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Hokkaido University | 論文
- DJ-1, a Target Protein for an Endocrine Disrupter, Participates in the Fertilization in Mice
- Daphnezomines T—V, Alkaloids from Daphniphyllum humile
- Lannotinidines H—J, New Lycopodium Alkaloids from Lycopodium annotinum
- Petiolins F—I, Benzophenone Rhamnosides from Hypericum pseudopetiolatum var. kiusianum
- Inhibitory Effects of Basic Drugs on the Sodium-Dependent Transport of L-Alanine via System B^0 in the Small Intestine
- Distribution of DJ-1, Parkinson's Disease-Related Protein PARK7, and Its Alteration in 6-Hydroxydopamine-Treated Hemiparkinsonian Rat Brain
- Silencing of Exogenous DNA in Cultured Cells
- Effect of Methylated Adenine in Plasmid DNA on Transgene Expression in Mice(Biopharmacy)
- Induction of Transition and Transversion Mutations during Random Mutagenesis PCR by the Addition of 2-Hydroxy-dATP (Biochemistry/Molecular Biology)
- Correction of Frameshift Mutations with Single-Stranded and Double-Stranded DNA Fragments Prepared from Phagemid/Plasmid DNAs(Miscellaneous)
- Mutagenicity of 5-Formylcytosine, an Oxidation Product of 5-Methylcytosine, in DNA in Mammalian Cells
- Amphidinin B, a New Polyketide Metabolite from Marine Dinoflagellate Amphidinium sp.
- Application of Modified Mosher's Method for Primary Alcohols with a Methyl Group at C2 Position
- Biosynthetic Study of Amphidinolide B
- Colopsinols D and E, New Polyhydroxyl Linear Carbon Chain Compounds from Marine Dinoflagellate Amphidinium sp.
- Purealidins A-R, New Bromotyrosine Alkaloids from an Okinawan Marine Sponge Psammaplysilla purea
- Hymenamides A-K, New Cyclic Peptides from a Marine Sponge Hymeniacidon sp.
- Impact of Convective Flow on the Cellular Uptake and Transfection Activity of Lipoplex and Adenovirus(Biopharmacy)
- Cell cycle dependent transcription, a determinant factor of heterogeneity in cationic lipid-mediated transgene expression.
- Delivery of Condensed DNA by Liposomal Non-viral Gene Delivery System into Nucleus of Dendritic Cells(Biopharmacy)