Graduate School Of Marine Science And Engineering Nagasaki University | 論文
- Occurrence of two distinct molecular species of cathepsin B in carp Cyprinus carpio
- Concentration-Dependent Effect of Shrimp Head Protein Hydrolysate on Freeze-Induced Denaturation of Lizardfish Myofibrillar Protein during Frozen Storage
- Myofibrillar proteolysis by myofibril-bound serine protease from white croaker Argyrosomus argentatus
- Purification and characterization of myofibril-bound serine protease from crucian carp Carassius giberio langsdorfi muscle
- Effect of Enzymatic Fish Protein Hydrolysate from Fish Scrap on the State of Water and Denaturation of Lizard Fish (Saurida wanieso) Myofibrils during Dehydration
- Vacuolar Degeneration of Gastric Glands of Juvenile Japanese Flounder Paralichthys olivaceus
- The Effect of Coal Ash on the Strength Parameters of Clay
- バングラデシュ産カブトガニCarcinoscorpius rotundicaudaにおける毒成分としてのTetrodotoxinの検出
- バングラデシュにおけるタキフグTakifugu oblongusによる最初の食中毒事件と同種を含む海洋フグ3種の毒性
- タイ産汽水ハチノジフグTetraodon steindachneriの毒性と主成分としてのTetrodotoxinの検出
- タイ産汽水ミドリフグTetraodon nigroviridisからのTTXの検出
- Effect of the Protein Hydrolysate from Shrimp Head on Freeze-Induced Denaturation of Fish Myofibrillar Protein
- Effect of Shrimp Chitin and Shrimp Chitin Hydrolysate on the Freeze-Induced Denaturation, and on the Amount of Unfreezable Water of Wanieso Lizardfish Myofibrillar Protein
- A serine proteinase from the sarcoplasmic fraction of red sea bream Pagrus major is possibly derived from blood
- Songs of humpback whales Megaptera novaeangliae in the Ryukyu and Bonin regions.
- Larval and juvenile development of the dragonet, Paradiplogrammus enneactis, reared in a laboratory
- マダイの Edwardsiella tarda 実験感染における白血球の動態と組織病理
- Laboratory culture of Balanus trigonus larvae by the method of B. amphitrite for establishing a multi-species settlement assay
- Drug resistance of bacteria isolated from the intestine of yellowtail cultured with feeds containing various drugs
- 実験的 Streptococcus iniae 感染ヒラメの発病過程に関する免疫組織化学的検討