Graduate School Of Environmental Studies Tohoku University | 論文
- 走査型電気化学/イオンコンダクタンス顕微鏡を用いた生体試料の高解像度イメージング
- Microfluidic Devices for Electrochemical Measurement of Photosynthetic Activity of Cyanobacteria Microcystis Cells
- 10% Efficiency Dye-sensitized Solar Cells Using P25 TiO_2 Nanocrystalline Electrode Prepared by a Bead-milling Method
- 生細胞を利用した電気化学的マイクロバイオセンサ
- Preparation of Immunosensors Using a Microfluidic Device with an Interdigitated Array Electrode Modified with Antibodies
- Comparison of electromagnetic scattering from flat and rough single rock fracture models
- Distribution of artificial radionuclides (^Ag, ^Te, ^Cs, ^Cs) in surface soils from Miyagi Prefecture, northeast Japan, following the 2011 Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant accident
- Conductivity Evaluation of Rutile-Type Ti1-xNbxO2 as Interconnect Material for Low Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
- Preliminary Results of ALOS/PALSAR Subsurface Imaging of Buried Object in the Western Desert, Egypt
- Dehydration Behavior of Goethite Blended with Graphite by Microwave Heating
- Continuous Production of Quinacridone Nanocrystals and Control of Crystal Form by High-Temperature Water Crystallization Method
- Study on Evaluation of Soil Strength Parameters by using the Resistive Forces acting on an Excavating Blade
- Electrodeposition of alginate gels for construction of vascular-like structures(CELL AND TISSUE ENGINEERING)
- Electrochemical Device with Interdigitated Ring Array Electrodes for Investigating the Relationship between Cardiomyocyte Differentiation from Embryonic Stem Cells and Alkaline Phosphatase Activity
- 4Gp13 細胞解析に向けたマイクロ・ナノギャップ電極による網羅的電気化学デバイスの開発(環境工学,廃水処理技術/バイオセンシング,分析化学,一般講演)
- Test Generation for Delay Faults on Clock Lines under Launch-on-Capture Test Environment
- Electrochemical Characterization of Enzyme and Immunoglobulin G Patterned Using Microcontact Printing
- Classification of Known and Unknown Environmental Sounds Based on Self-Organized Space Using a Recurrent Neural Network
- Morphological, biochemical and phylogenetic assessments of water-bloom-forming tropical morphospecies of Microcystis (Chroococcales, Cyanobacteria)
- Evaluation of a tooth bleaching system incorporating titanium dioxide : Influence of the concentrations of hydrogen peroxide and titanium dioxide on bleaching effect