Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical University | 論文
- In Vitro-in Vivo Correlation of Percutaneous Absorption : Isosorbide Dinitrate and Morphine Hydrochloride
- Synthesis and Activity of a Metabolite of (S)-6-Amino-5-(6-hydroxy-2, 5, 7, 8-tetramethylchroman-2-carboxamido)-3-methyl-1-phenyl-2, 4-(1H, 3H)-pyrimidinedione (CX-659S)
- Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of CX-659S and its Related Compounds for their Inhibitory Effects on the Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity Reaction.
- Mechanism of Cadmium-Copper Interaction in Embryonic Chick Bone in Tissue Culture (Proceedings of the 12 th Symposium on Environmental Pollutants and Toxicology) (Regular Presentations)
- Studies on Aldose Reductase Inhibitors from Natural Products. V. Active Components of Hachimi-jio-gan (Kampo Medicine)
- Evaluation of Angelicae Radix (Touki) by the Inhibitory Effect on Platelet Aggregation
- Isolation of a Platelet Aggregation Inhibitor from Angelicae Radix(Pharmacognosy,Chemical)
- Thrombelastgraphを利用したUrokinaseの定量および溶解後の安定性
- Effects of Traditional Crude Drugs on Fibrinolysis by Plasmin : Antiplasmin Principles in Eupolyphaga
- Platelet Aggregation Potentiators from Cho-Rei
- 桃核承気湯エキス顆粒剤と煎剤との比較
- Studies on Mesoionic Compounds. XIV. Synthesis of Mesoionic 1,3-Thiazolium-4-thiolates
- Studies on Mesoionic Compounds. XIII. Synthesis of Mesoionic 1,2,3-Thiadiazolium-4-thiolates
- Studies on Mesoionic Compounds. IX. Synthesis of Bicyclic Mesoionic Compounds
- Studies on Mesoionic Compounds. VIII. Some Reactions of the Mesoionic 4-Amino-1,2,4-triazolium-3-thiolate System
- Studies on Mesoionic Compounds. V. Synthesis and Cycloaddition Reaction of anhydro-5-Hydroxy-1,3-oxathiolium Hydroxide System
- Studies on Azetidine Derivatives. II. Reactions and Stereochemistry of 3-Substituted 1-Cyclohexyl-2-phenylazetidines
- Studies on Azetidine Derivatives. I. Synthesis of 3-Substituted Azetidine Derivatives
- Studies on Azetidine Derivatives. IV. Synthesis and Some Reactions of Azetidin-3-one Derivatives
- Studies on Mesoionic Compounds. III. Synthesis of Ψ-3-Aryl-5-imino-3,5-dihydro-1-oxa-2,3,4-triazole Hydrochlorides and Their Derivatives