Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Health Sciences University Of Hokkaido | 論文
- 3β-Hydroxy-Δ^5-C_-steroid dehydrogenase/isomerase 欠損症 : 診断と治療
- Maleylacetoacetate 肝細胞蓄積は 3-oxo-Δ^4-steroid 5β-reductase 活性低下をきたすか?
- Inhibitory effect of nordihydroguaiaretic acid, a plant lignan, on Helicobacter pylori-associated gastric carcinogenesis in Mongolian gerbils
- ステロイド剤が有効であった副腎不全を合併する乳児肝内胆汁うっ滞症 : 二次性3-oxo- Δ^4 -steroid 5 β-reductase欠損症の1例
- 生薬の生理活性リグナン成分
- 85(PA3-5) 杜仲の成分(ポスター発表の部)
- Na^+-and Energy-Dependent Transport of Cadmium into LLC-PK_1 Cells
- Thermally Gelling Poloxamine Synperonic T908 Solution as a Vehicle for Rectal Drug Delivery
- Biliary Excretion of Furosemide Glucuronide in Rabbits
- Transport Mechanisms of Enoxacin in Rat Brush-Border Membrane of Renal Cortex : Interaction with Organic Cation Transport System and Ionic Diffusion Potential Dependent Uptake
- パラアミノサリチル酸ナトリウムによるリファンピシンのヒト直腸吸収の増加
- Chitosan and Sodium Alginate Based Bioadhesive Tablets for Intraoral Drug Delivery
- Sustained Release of Phenytoin Following the Oral Administration of Phenytoin Sodium : Ethylcellulose Microcapsules in Human Subjects and Rabbits
- Urinary Levels of γ-Carboxyglutamic Acid and Its Clinical Significance
- Bioavailability and Diuretic Effect of Bumetanide Following Rectal Administration of Suppositories Containing Weak Acids in Human Subjects
- Enhanced Absorption of Bumetanide from Suppositories Containing Weak Acids in Rabbits
- External Control of Drug Release and Penetration. VI. Enhancing Effect of Ultrasound on the Transdermal Absorption of Indomethacin from an Ointment in Rats
- Antitumor Effect of Pluronic F-127 Gel Containing Mitomycin C on Sarcoma-180 Ascites Tumor in Mice
- Protein Binding of Sulfonamides and Displacing Effects of Sulfinpyrazone on the Bound Sulfonamides in Nephrotic Patients in the Remissive Stage
- Transformation and Excretion of Drugs in Biological Systems. IX. Interactions between Sulfinpyrazone and Sulfonamides, and between Oxyphenbutazone and Sulfonamides in Dogs