Faculty Of Integrated Arts And Sciences University Of Tokushima | 論文
- 小型可搬式飛行時間型質量分析計の試作と天然物・環境汚染物質測定 (特集 バイオテクノロジーイノベーション(part1)単細胞解析をめざしたバイオと異分野の融合がもたらすブレークスルー技術の新潮流)
- マイクロTAS接続に適したマイクロ質量分析装置の創製
- 大気分析
- ラボオンチップ環境計測システムの創製と応用
- 液滴法による二酸化窒素吸収特性とサンプリング装置の開発
- Dynamics Analysis for the Distribution of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Rice
- A new phenolic glucoside from an Uzbek medicinal plant, Origanum tyttanthum
- A New Megastigmane Glucoside from Phlomis spinidens
- Radical and Superoxide Scavenging Activities of Matairesinol and Oxidized Matairesinol
- 6a-B3-4 高圧下におけるDKDPの単結晶X線構造解析
- Glycosidic constituents of the leaves of an Okinawan Leguminosae plant, Derris trifoliata Lour
- Chemical constituents of an Uzbek medicinal plant, Perovskia scrophularifolia
- Absolute Configuration of Volicitin from the Regurgitant of Lepidopteran Caterpillars and Biological Activity of Volicitin-Related Compounds
- Screening for Tyrosinase Inhibitors among Extracts of Seashore Plants and Identification of Potent Inhibitors from Garcinia subelliptica
- Cytotoxic Screening of Medicinal and Edible Plants in Okinawa, Japan, and Identification of the Main Toxic Constituent of Rhodea japonica (Omoto)(Organic Chemistry)
- Isolation and Antioxidant Activity of Galloyl Flavonol Glycosides from the Seashore Plant, Pemphis acidula
- 8a-F-11 固体H_2Sの高圧相(IV相)の結晶構造
- 29p-YR-5 KH_2PO_4の圧力・温度相図
- 13a-J-2 石英の圧力誘起非晶質化のX線回折
- 30p-A-8 KH_2PO_4の新しい高圧相