Faculty Of Health Science Kobe University School Of Medicine | 論文
- SF-043-1 より安全な内視鏡外科医療を構築するために : 認知心理学的知見に基づく効果的トレーニング法の開発(SF-043 サージカルフォーラム(43)外科教育,第111回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- Skeletal Muscle Pseudohypertrophy in AL Amyloidosis
- PS-036-2 Open MRI下リアルタイムナビゲーションシステムの腹腔鏡下手術への応用と展望(PS-036 ポスターセッション(36)医療材料,第111回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- Questionnaire Survey of Life Style and Health Conditions Among Leprosarium Patients : One Year After the Abolition of the Leprosy Prevention Law
- Joint Motion Analysis of the Upper Extremity Required for Eating Activities
- Increased c-Fos/activator protein-1 confers resistance against anergy induction on antigen-specific T cell
- Changes in Health Status among Institutionalized Hansen's Disease Patients
- Fission Yeast Epsin, Ent1p is Required for Endocytosis and Involved in Actin Organization
- Comparison of Physical Health Status among Institutionalized Hansen's Disease Patients between Okinawa and Honshu Leprosariums
- Cyclosporin (Cyclosporine) Treatment in Children with Steroid-dependent Nephrotic Syndrome
- Repairing Process at the Proximal Stump of Transected Myelinated Axons, with Special Reference to Formation of the Demarcation Membranes
- An Analysis on Crisis Origin of Woman with Depression : Through the Crisis Intervention
- Plasma Postheparin Diamine Oxidase Activity after Major Abdominal Surgery
- SF-060-5 硬変肝において脾臓摘出術が肝再生に及ぼす影響についての検討(SF-060 サージカルフォーラム(60)肝臓:基礎-3,第111回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- Possible Roles lnterleukin-1 and Collagenase in the Pannus Formation in Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Evaluation of Physical Fitness and Estimation of Daily Spent Calorie of the Disabled Inpatients by Exercise Testing System and Heart Rate Monitor (Pulse Watch)
- 102 The intramuscular architecture of human lower leg muscles
- Intracellular Transport Pathways in Endodermal Cells of the Rat Visceral Yolk Sac
- The Reduced Motion Ability in the Upper Extremity on the Unaffected Side of Stroke-Induced Hemiplegia and Trauma
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Syringomyelia