Faculty Of Education Chiba University | 論文
- Local Area Characterization of TTF-TCNQ Evaporated Films by Scanning Probe Microscope (Special Issue on Organic Molecular Electronics for the 21st Century)
- Device Characteristics of Organic Static Induction Transistor Using Copper Phthalocyanine Films and Al Gate Electrode
- セネガルのNianingにおけるエコ・ツーリズムの発展と環境保全
- 秋田県皆瀬村小安峡温泉の課題と地域振興
- 中国内モンゴルにおける温泉資源の特性と温泉地開発--涼城温泉を中心として
- 日本語トレーニングにおける国際ライブビデオ会議の効果
- Comparative Study of Multimedia Emphasis in Educational Reform between Japan and The Kingdom of Thailand (大学教育の改革と遠隔学習)
- The Present and the Future of University Fundamental Physics Education in Japan and China
- Formation of Bilayer Structure in Organic Solvents from Amphiphiles Due to Interpeptide Hydrogen Bonding
- A Consideration of Journal Studies as an Effective Method of Developing Students' Communicative Strategies in a Discussion Classroom(II.人文・社会科学系)
- Multi-Point Impedance Control for Redundant Manipulators
- Thermal Growth of Thin Oxide in Ge Films and Interfacial Bond Defects of Oxygen
- Incidence Angle Dependences of Columnar Grain Structure and Texture in Obliquely Deposited Iron Films
- Ferroelectric Phase Transition in Hexagonal Antiferromagnet RbFeBr_3 with Linear Chains of Face-Sharing Octahedra (FeBr_6)^
- Lattice Distortion Induced by Scratching on the Surface of Silicon Single Crystal Wafer
- Evaluation of Electrical Properties of Merocyanine Films Doped with Acceptor or Donor Molecules by Field Effect Measurements(Special Issue on Organic Materials for Optics and Electronics)
- AFM Observation of a Supramolecular Rod-like Structure of Bilayer Membrane Formed from Tripeptide-Containing Amphiphiles
- Differences between Spontaneous Assemblage and Concentration-Induced Assemblage of Peptide-Containing Molecules in Organic Media
- Neutron Diffraction Study of the Magnetic Phase Diagram of RbMnBr_3 : Observation of the Critical Line of Field-Induced Phase Transition