- Ion Temperature Estimated from Energy Dependence of Ion Flux to a Plasma End
- Thermal Expansion in Chromium Chalcogenides Cr_2X_3 (X=Se, Te)
- Molecular Mass Measurement of Hydrophobic and Aggregative Virus Proteins to Confirm Sequence Variation and Post-translational Modification by Electrospray Ionization and Array Detection
- Detection of Organic Molecules Dissolved in Water Using a γ-Al_2O_3 Chemiluminescence-Based Sensor
- Defects in Anatase TiO_2 Single Crystal Controlled by Heat Treatments (Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Structure and magnetoresistance of IrMn exchange-biased junctions
- Method of Measuring VHF Elastic Vibration Modes by Optical Sensing : Piezoelectric Vibrators and Devices
- Role of Selenoprotein P in Mechanisms of Detoxification of Inorganic Mercury by Selenium (Proceedings of the 22nd Symposium on Toxicology and Environmental Health)
- Interaction of Selenium with Mercury in Blood (Proceedings of the 21st Symposium on Toxicology and Environmental Health)
- Enriched stable isotopes of elements used as tracers : methods of presenting high-performance liquid chromatographic-inductively coupled argon plasma mass spectrometric data
- Thermal Decomposition of Methanol behind Shock Waves
- Seasonal Variation of Paulownia Witches'-Broom Phytoplasma in Paulownia Trees and Distribution of the Disease in the Tohoku District of Japan
- Improvement of the Magnetic Flux Leakage Signals for Far-side Defects of Ferromagnetic Specimens
- A Simple Method to Control Indirect Information Flows (Special Section of Letters Selected from the 1994 IEICE Spring Conference)
- A Polarization Diversity Antenna by Printed Dipole and Patch with a Hole
- The Evaluation of Multiplexability of a Supertwisted Nematic Liquid Crystal Display Device in Terms of Crosstalk Ratio
- Stable Cluster Ions in Carboxylic Acid-Water Binary Systems and Their Reactivity with Ammonia Studied by Liquid Ionization Mass Spectrometry
- The function of each sepal in pollinator behavior and effective pollination in Aconitum japonicum var. montanum
- Correlation between the g Tensors and the Nonplanarity of Porphyrin Rings in Desulfovibrio vulgaris Miyazaki F Cytochrome c_3, Studied by Single Crystal EPR
- Liquid Ionizatio Mass Spectrometry for Studies on Reactions between Formaldehyde Oligomers in Aqueous Solution and Alcohols