Department of Physics,Nagoya University | 論文
- Magnetic Phase Transitions in Body-Centered Cubic Solid ^3He
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in α- and β- Manganese Metals
- Present Status of Endoscopic Treatment of Lung Cancer : The Role of Photodynamic Therapy
- The Ingap State and Superconductivity in the Cuprate Oxide Compounds : IV-A Electronic States : IV Mechanisms of Superconductivity; Theory
- Electronic States in the Cu-Oxide Superconductors
- Charge Fluctuation and Superconductivity in the d-p Model
- Metal-Insulator Transition and Charge Fluctuation in the d-p Model
- Charge Fluctuation in the d-p Model : Effects of the Repulsive Interaction between d-and p-Holes
- Anomalous Temperature Dependence of the Lower Critical Fields in High-Temperature Superconductors
- Ferromagnetism and Superconductivity in the Multi-orbital Hubbard Model : Hund's Rule Coupling versus Crystal-Field Splitting
- Metamagnetism and Fermi Surface in the Anderson Lattice Model
- Impurity Effects in Lattice Anderson Model
- Finite Temperature Crossover in the d-p Model
- Kondo Insulator and Charge Transfer Insulator in Lattice Anderson Model
- Extinction Contour in Electron Microscopic Images of Crystals
- Long Wavelength Vortices of Low Frequency Interchange Modes in Hot Electron Plasma
- Concentration Shift of Nuclear Magnetic Resonances in Some Concentrated Acids
- Thermal Conductivity of Clean Niobium in Mixed State
- Thermal Conductivity Minimum of Niobium in Mixed State
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Solid Hydrogen with Various Ortho Concentrations