Department of Physics,Faculty of Science and Engineering,Saga University | 論文
- The Role of Exchange and Quadrupolar Scattering and the Effect of CEF on the Electrical Resistivity in NdIn_3
- Tunneling Studies of BaPb_Bi_O_3
- Triboluminescence of ZnS:Mn Films Deposited on Quartz Substrates with ZnO Buffer Layers
- Strong Ultraviolet and Green Emissions at Room Temperature from Annealed ZnO Thin Films
- SHG-Active Polymorphism of p-Nitroaniline Mixed with Its N-Alkyl Derivatives
- Mean Free Paths of Relativistic Projectile Fragments Emitted from Fe-C and Fe-Pb Interactions at 1.88 A-GeV
- Tunneling Studies of Andreev Reflection in Ag-SiO-Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_ Planar Junctions
- Conductance Peak at Zero-Bias in Ag-SiO-Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_ Planar Tunnel Junctions
- Magnetoresistance Effect in Single Crystals of Gd
- Tunneling Spectroscopy of InSb -Temperature Dependence of Zero-Bias Anomaly-
- Magneto-Tunneling Spectroscopy of InSb