Department of Physics, The University of Hong Kong | 論文
- Dynamical Behaviors of Periodically Forced Hindmarsh-Rose Neural Model: The Role of Excitability and 'Intrinsic' Stochastic Resonance : Cross-Disciplinary Physics
- Depth Profiling of Si Oxidation States in Si-Implanted SiO_2 Films by X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
- Power-LaW Dependence of Charge Trapping on Injected Charge in Very Thin SiO_2 Films : Semiconductors
- De-Dimerization Effect and Persistent Current in Mesoscopic Organic Polymer Rings
- Flux State in a System of Two Magnetically Coupled Mesoscopic Rings
- Nonlinear Spin Polarized Transport through a Ferromagnetic-Nonmagnetic-Ferromagnetic Janction
- Multigrid Monte Carlo Simulations
- High quality La-Ca-Mn-O thin films on STO(100) substrates prepared by rf-sputtering (マルチメディアストレージ--第5回アジア情報記録技術シンポジウム〔英文〕)
- Fabrication and characterization of heteroepitaxial bilayers of La-Ca-Mn-O/Y-Ba-Cu-O (マルチメディアストレージ--第5回アジア情報記録技術シンポジウム〔英文〕)
- High quality La-Ca-Mn-O thin films on STO (100) substrates prepared by rf-sputtering
- Fabrication and characterization of heteroepitaxial bilayers of La-Ca-Mn-O/Y-Ba-Cu-O
- The Radio and Gamma-Ray Luminosities of Blazars
- Polarization and Variations of BL Lacertae Objects
- Conduction Band Offset of InGaN/AlInGaN Quantum Wells Studied by Deep Level Transient Spectroscopic Technique
- Conduction Band Offset of InGaN/AllnGaN Quantum Wells Studied by Deep Level Transient Spectroscopic Technique
- Extremely Strong ^CO J=3→2 Line in the "Water Fountain" IRAS 16342-3814 : Evidence for the Hot-Bottom Burning