Department of Physics, Kochi University | 論文
- Anisotropy of Upper Critical Fields for d- and p-Wave Pairing Superconductivity
- On the Exact Eigenstates and the Ground States Based on the Boson Realization for Many-Quark Model with su(4) Algebraic Structure(Nuclear Physics)
- Many-Quark Model with su(4) Algebraic Structure : An Example of Analytically Soluble Many-Fermion System(Nuclear Physics)
- Semi-Classical Approach to the Two-Level Pairing Model : Various Aspects of Phase Change(Nuclear Physics)
- On Local Symmetric Order Parameters of Vortex Lattice States
- Coupled-Channels Study of the Nuclear Rainbow Phenomena for the ^O + ^O System
- A Model for Shock Waves in High Energy Heavy ion Collisions
- A Modified Glauber Approximation and the Stopping Power of the Nuclear Matter
- A Modified Glauber Approximation and the Formation of Shock Waves in High-Energy Heavy Ion Collisions
- A Modified Glauber Approximation for High-Energy Heavy Ion Collision. II : Effect of the Internal Excitation of the Projectile Nucleus : Nuclear Physics
- Note on the Occurrence of Shock Waves in High Energy Heavy Ion Collisions
- Formation and Decay of Σ Hypernuclei in (Stopped K^-, π^±) Reactions
- Quasi-Spin Squeezed State for Lipkin Model : Nuclear Physics
- Phase Transition of Color Superconductivity and Cooling Behavior of Quark Stars
- Chapter V Weak Transitions of Low-Lying Baryons in the Skyrme Model
- Backward Angle Anomaly in Alpha+^O Scattering and Alpha-Cluster States in ^Ne
- Backward Angle Anomaly in Alpha-Nucleus Scattering and Parity-Dependent Optical Model
- Variational Approach to the Chiral Phase Transition in the Linear Sigma Model
- Effect of Soft Mode on Shear Viscosity of Quark Matter(Nuclear Physics)
- Integrability conditions for a Determination of Collective Submanifolds-2-An Illustrative Example of "Maximally-Decoupled"case (「大振幅集団運動の微視的理論」研究会報告)