Department of Physics, Kochi University | 論文
- Integrability Conditions for a Determination of Collective Submanifolds. I-Group Theoretical Aspects- (「時間依存自己無撞着場の方法と量子化」研究会報告)
- Capter IV Phenomenological Study of Two-Body Nuclear Molecular Configurations in the Highly Excited Energy Region
- A Band Crossing Model of Resonances in Heavy Ion Reactions. I : Resonances in ^C-^O Scattering
- A New Evidence for a Band Crossing Model : Resonances in High Energy ^C-^C Scattering
- Molecular Resonances in ^C(^O,^O)^C^*(2^+, 4.44 MeV) Inelastic Scattering by a Band Crossing Model
- An Occurrence Mechanism of Nuclear Molecular Resonances
- A Study of Resonances in the Sub-Coulomb ^C-^C Reaction from the Viewpoint Nuclear Molecule
- Latent Heat in the Chiral Phase Transition (Poster contributions)
- On the π^0 Condensation by Thomas-Fermi Model
- On the Color-Singlet States in Many-Quark Model with the su(4)-Algebraic Structure. III : Transition from the Quark-Triplet to the Quark-Pair Phase(Nuclear Physics)
- On the Color-Singlet States in Many-Quark Model with the su(4)-Algebraic Structure. II : Determination of Ground-State Energies(Nuclear Physics)
- On the Color-Singlet States in Many-Quark Model with the su(4)-Algebraic Structure. I : Color-Symmetric Form(Nuclear Physics)
- Instability of the Chiral Quantum Baryon : Particles and Fields
- Rotating Bag Model for Hadrons : Nuclear Physics
- Pairing Correlation in Quark Matter
- Superconductivity of Quark Matter at Finite Temperature : Nuclear Physics
- Hartree-Bogoliubov Theory of Quark Matter : Condensation Energy in Strange Quark Matter : Nuclear Physics
- A Vibrational Bag Model for Baryons : Nulcear Physics
- A Rotating Bag Model for Hadrons. II : Regge Trajectories of Baryons : Nuclear Physics
- Evidence for Molecular Resonances in the ^O+^O System