Department of Nuclear Engineering,Kyoto University | 論文
- Tensor Analyzing Powers for Deuteron Deuteron Breakup Reaction in d+α System
- On S-Matrix Pole vs Cusp in pp Scattering near the NΔ-Threshold
- S-Matrix Poles for Unstable-Particle Scattering
- On 2^+ Dibaryon in pp and πd Scattering
- Narrow I-Spin Zero NN Resonance : Progress Letters
- Possible p-p Resonance in the ^3F_3 State
- p-p Phase Shifts and Diproton Resonances is the Mass Range from 2.1-2.8 GeV. I : Summary of the p-p Phase-Shift Results and the ^3F_3 (2.22 GeV) Diproton
- Suggestion of a New Dinucleon Resonance in an isosinglet, Negative-Parity State
- Energy-Dependence of the Pion-Nucleon Coupling Constant
- On 2^+ Dibaryon in NΔ Scattering
- np Phase Shifts from 1.1〜1.7 GeV/c
- Quasi-Free Alpha-Alpha Collisions in Be^9 and C^ at 28 MeV
- Positional Instabilities in a Tokamak with a Resistive Shell
- Probabilistic Excitaion of Plasma Transitions
- Charge Transfer Cross Sections for Slow Ne^ Ions on He and H_2
- Microchannel Plate Position Sensitive Detector System for Charge Analysis of Low Energy Heavy Ions
- Electron Diffusion in a Tokamak Due to High n-Ballooning Mode
- Properties of Nuclear Matter for the Proposed NN One-Boson-Exchange Potential with Full Nonstatic Effects
- Counting Characteristics of Electron Multipliers for keV Heavy Ions
- Electron Capture of He^ from Gas Target Atoms at around a Few keV