Department of Electronics, Kyushu University | 論文
- Modeling of Kinetic-Inductance Coplanar Stripline with NbN Thin Films
- Enlargement of Kinetic Inductance of NbN Superconducting Thin Films for Device Applications
- Relaxation Oscillators Made of YBaCuO Thin Films
- Evaluation of Temperature and Magnetic-Field Dependence of Pinning Potential of High T_c Superconductors from Flux-Creep Resistivity Experiments
- A New Anode-Electrode Structure for Sputter Deposition of High-Quality Y-Ba-Cu-O Thin Films
- Effect of Flux Creep on Current-Voltage Characteristics of Superconducting Y-Ba-Cu-O Thin Films
- Experimental Study of Noise Characteristics of Large-β dc SQUID with Resistively Shunted Inductance : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Spatial Distribution of Trapped Magnetic Flux in the High-T_c Superconductor Y_1Ba_2Cu_3O_. II. Comparison with the Critical State Model : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Conversion Efficiency of a Large-β DC-SQUID with a Resistively Shunted Inductance
- Effects of Kinetic Inductance on the Performance of a Flux-Flow-Type Josephson Amplifier
- Spatial Distribution of Trapped Magnetic Flux in the High T_c Superconductor Y_1Ba_2Cu_3O_
- Dependence of Magnetic Field Penetration Depth on Resistivity and Critical Temperature in c-Axis-Oriented YBaCuO Thin Films
- Relation between Pinning Potential and Critial Current Density of YBaCuO Superconducting Thin Films
- Ge-Channel Thin-Film Transistor with Schottky Source/Drain Fabricated by Low-Temperature Processing
- Time-Dependent Ginzburg-Landau Equations for Hard-Mode Instabilities
- Densification and Structural Evolution in Spark Plasma Sintering Process of Mechanically Alloyed Nanocrystalline Fe-23Al-6C Powder
- Mechanism of Improved Thermal Stability of B in Poly-SiGe Gate on SiON
- Mechanism of Improved Thermal Stability of B in Poly-SiGe Gate on SiON
- Study of Submicron SrTiO_3 Patterning
- Low-Temperature Etching of 0.2 μm Al Patterns Using a Sio_2 Mask