Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Miyazaki | 論文
- Purification and Characterization of Recombinant Human Prostacyclin Synthase
- Time-Resolving Image Analysis of Drilling of Thin Silicon Substrates with Femtosecond Laser Ablation
- Influence of Recrystallization of Alumina Trihydrate Filler on Leakage Current Development in Salt-Fog Ageing Test for Polymeric Materials
- Instantaneous Temperature Measurement in a Flame by Rapid-Frequency-Scan Laser Spectroscopy
- Optogalvanic Wavelength Calibrator for an Automatic Tunable Laser System
- Benchmark Experiment on Vanadium with D-T Neutrons and Validation of Evaluated Nuclear Data Libraries by Analysis of the Experiment
- Gas Temperatures in Impulse Discharge Channels at Low-Pressure Air
- Studies on Acoustic Emission Signals Detected in an Oil-immersed Pole Transformer
- Atom-Resolved Luminescence of Si(111)-7x7 Induced by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
- Estimation of Surface Tension of Molten Silicon Using a Dynamic Hanging Drop
- A New Photo-Material Processing Using Incoherent Vacuum Ultraviolet Radiation
- Measurement of Preferential Sputtering of Iron-Oxides Using Laser Fluorescence Spectroscopy : Surfaces, Interfaces and Films
- Observation of Balmer-Alpha Line Profile of Hydrogen Atoms in Plasmas by Rapid-Frequency-Scan laser Spectroscopy : Waves, Optics and Quantum Electronics
- Velocity-Distribution Functions of Sputtered Atoms Caused by Insufficiently Developed Collision-Cascades
- Transient Change in the Velocity Distribution Functions of Sputtered Atoms during Initial Dose in Ion-Beam Bombardment
- A Proposal for Local Magnetic-Field Measurement in High-Temperature Plasma Devices Using a Rapid-Frequency-Scan Laser
- Proposal of Multi-pass Laser Spectroscopic Technique for Diagnosing Atmospheric Pressure Discharge Plasmas
- Time-Resolving Image Analysis of Drilling of Thin Silicon Substrates with Femtosecond Laser Ablation
- Amorphous Silicon Film Deposition from SiH4 by Chemical Vapor Deposition with Argon Excimer Lamp
- Analysis of the Photochemical Reaction on the Surface for Room Temperature Deposition of SiO2 Thin Films by Photo-CVD using Vacuum Ultraviolet Light