Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science, Faculty of Science, Hiroshima university | 論文
- 中央構造線の起源とその初生的形態
- Origin of granitic rocks at the southern margin of the Ryoke belt in the Mikawaono-Toei area, central Japan--Rb-Sr dating and tectonic implications (西南日本の地殻形成と改変) -- (中・古生代の地殻形成テクトニクス)
- 西南日本愛媛県城川町のトゥファ堆積における水の化学成分と水文的条件の季節変化
- 岩国-柳井地域領家帯の造構変成過程
- 韓国沃川地域沃川帯の変形・変成史の相対的関係の解析
- 351 岩国-柳井地域領家帯の構造発達史
- 217 粗粒花崗岩のマイロナイトの微細組織と形成機構
- 216 微細基質をもつ花崗岩のマイロナイト化作用
- 318 沃川地域沃川帯の変形・変成史の解析
- 310 岩国-柳井地域領家帯の構造解析
- 5 嶺家帯-三波川帯の構造発達史から見た西南日本のテクトニクス
- 309 韓国沃川地域沃川帯の構造解析
- 花崗岩組織の研究 : とくに石英について
- Garnet metagabbro-ultramafic complexes in the Pekulney Range, northeast Russia
- Permo-Triassic Barrovian-type metamorphism in the ultrahigh-temperature Kontum Massif, central Vietnam : Constraints on continental collision tectonics in Southeast Asia
- Cooling and inferred exhumation history of the Ryoke metamorphic belt in the Yanai district, south-west Japan : Constraints from Rb-Sr and fission-track ages of gneissose granitoid and numerical modeling
- Effects of geometry on the convection with core-cooling
- Numerical simulation for the prediction of the plate motions : Effects of lateral viscosity variations in the lithosphere
- Formation of Outer- and Inner-Sphere Complexes of Lanthanide Elements at Montmorillonite-Water Interface
- Distribution Pattern of Rare Earth Ions between Water and Montmorillonite and Its Relation to the Sorbed Species of the Ions