Department of Applied Science Faculty of Engineering Tohoku University | 論文
- Radial Distribution Function of Fluids I
- A New Approach to the Theory of Classical Fluids. II : Multicomponent Systems
- Virial Theorem for the Jastrow-Type Ground State of a Bose Fluid
- Models of MT and MST areas using wake-sleep algorithm
- Da Costa-Nobre-Yokoi Model with Spin S
- On-Line Learning of Two-Layered Neural Network with Randomly Diluted Connections
- Ghatak-Sherrington Model with Spin S
- First Order Green Function Theory of Ferromagnetism
- Diffraction of Electromagnetic Waves by Circular Plate and Circular Hole
- Conductance and Its Fluctuations of Mesoscopic Wires in Contact with a Superconductor
- Effects of Magnetic Fields on Inelastic Scattering Time in Two-Dimensional Weak Localization
- A Note on Field Dependences of Anomalous Magnetoresistance in Two-Dimensional Weakly Localized Regime
- Cluster Expansion for Degenerate Bose Fluids
- Multiple Scattering of Slow Neutrons by Statistical Media
- Color Image Compression Algorithm Using Self-Organizing Feature Map
- Dynamical Spin Susceptibility of Anisotropic Superfluid in He^3
- Dynamical Properties of the Diluted Heisenberg and XY Magnets at Infinite Temperature. I : Spin Diffusion Constant
- Low-and High-Temperature Behaviors of Ferromagnetic Ising Model of Infinite-Spin
- Structure of Ground States of Antiferromagnetic Ising Model with General-Spin on Triangular Lattice
- Optimal Network Structure for Packet Flow in Shortest-Path Routing Control Model