Department of Applied Science Faculty of Engineering Tohoku University | 論文
- Universality Class for Spin Model With Generalized Ising Spin on One-Dimensional Lattice : Progress Letters
- Eigenvibration for the Membrane between Two Eccentric Circles
- Wave Character of the Time Dependent Ginzburg Landau Equation and the Fluctuating Pair Propagator in Superconductors
- Fluctuation of the Order Parameter and Hall Effect
- Theory of Hall Effect. I : Nearly Free Electron
- Linear Response Theory in the Vortex State of Dirty Type-II Superconductors
- Hall Effect in Excitonic Insulator
- A Remark on the Flux-Flow Resistivity of Dirty Type-II Superconductors
- Diffraction of Electromagnetic Waves by Ribbon and Slit. I
- Diffraction of Plane Sound Wave by Many Equal Circular Holes Arbitrarily Distributed in an Infinitely Large Rigid Plane Plate
- Note on the Susceptibility of the Two-Dimensional Heisenberg Ferromagnet
- Susceptibility and Correlation Function of the Ising Model on the Cayley Tree
- Long-Distance Behavior of the Pair Distribution Function of Hard-Sphere Fermi Gases
- Behavior of Reduced Density Matrices of the Ideal Fermi Gas
- Probabilistic, Iterated and Quantum-Iterated Computational Methods in Gray-Level Image Restoration
- On the Propagation of the Electromagnetic Waves in an Inhomogeneous Atmosphere
- On the Acoustic Radiation from a Flanged Circular Pipe
- Chiral Symmetry Breaking and Vacuum Structure in Schwinger Model
- Lattice Green's Function for the Simple Cubic Lattice
- On the Propagation of Elastic Waves in an Isotropic Homogeneous Sphere