Department of Applied Science Faculty of Engineering Tohoku University | 論文
- Asymptiotic Behavior of the Two-Position Correlation Functions of Classical Systems
- Phase Transition in a Four-Direction Traffic Flow Model on a Two-Dimensional Network
- Condensation in the Hard-Sphere Bose Gas
- Cluster Expansion for Quantum Gases. IV : A Reformulation and "Condensed Part" of the Hard-Sphere Bose System
- Cluster Expansion for Quantum Gases. III : Pair Distribution Function of Degenerate Bose System
- RESPONSE PROPERTY OF COMPLEX SYSTEM INTERPRETED BY INFORMATION GEOMETRY(Session I : Cross-Disciplinary Physics, The 1st Tohwa University International Meeting on Statistical Physics Theories, Experiments and Computer Simulations)
- Methods for Non-Markovian Process
- Analytic Properties of the One- and Two-Particle Distribution Functions of Bose Fluids
- Long-Range Oscillatory Interaction between Ions in Liquid Metals at Finite Temperatures
- A Note on the Modified Cluster Expansion for Quantum System
- Ground-State Energy of a Bose System in the Weak Coupling Limit
- On the Theory of Fluids
- Ornstein-Zernike Relation for a Fluid Mixture with Direct Correlation Functions of Finite Range
- Radial Distribution Function of Fluids II
- Variational Study of the Ground State of a Bose-Einstein Fluid
- Radial Distribution Function of Fluids, III
- Transformation of the Ornstein-Zernike Relation for Fluid Mixtures
- On the Method of "Auxiliary Variables"
- Long-Range Correlations of the Distribution Functions in the Canonical Ensemble
- One-Particle Distribution Function for a System of Hard Rods