Department of Applied Science Faculty of Engineering Tohoku University | 論文
- Numerical Study on the Conductance of Normal-Superconductor Contacts
- Conductance Formula for Mesoscopic Systems with a Superconducting Segment
- Conductance Fluctuations in Small Normal and Superconductor Composite Wire Systems
- Finite Temperature Properties of One-Dimensional Chiral XY-model
- Phase Diagrams of Spin-3/2 Ising Model on a Square Lattice in Terms of Corner Transfer Matrix Renormalization Group Method
- Low-Temperature Properties of Infinite-Spin Ising Model in One-Dimensional Lattice
- Tetradics Formulation of the Two-Time Green's Function Method and Its Application to the Heisenberg Ferromagnet
- Ising Model in Correlated Random Fields on Kagome Lattice
- Sequence Processing Neural Network with a Non-Monotonic Transfer Function : General Physics
- Ornstein-Zernike Relation for a Fluid Mixture
- Simulation of the Three-Particle Distribution Function in a Long-Range Oscillatory Potential Liquid
- An Extension of Perron-Frobenius Theorem for Positive Symmetric Matrices
- Collective Description of a System of Interacting Bose Particles
- The Pseudopotential for the Hard-Core Interaction
- Ising Model with Even-Bonds Plaquettes on the Square Lattice
- Multiple Scattering of Neutrons and Correlation Functions
- Ground State Properties of One-Dimensional Quantum Chiral XY -model
- Self-Organization in Four-Direction Traffic-Flow Model : Cross-Disciplinary Physics
- Temperature Dependence of the Spin-Pair Correlation Functions for the Heisenberg Antiferromagnet and the NMR Line Width of F^ in RbMnF_3 in the Paramagnetic Region
- Formulas for the Lattice Green's Functions for the Cubic Lattices in Terms of the Complete Elliptic Integral