Department of Applied Physics Tokyo Institute of Technology | 論文
- Transverse Bunched Beam Instability in KEK Booster
- Relaxation Time of Lattice Waves in an Imperfect Crystal
- High Accuracy Method for Solving N-Body Problem
- Comparison of Anthracene Purity Obtained by Various Processes
- NMR Study of Covalency in Ferromagnet Rb_2CrCl_4
- Power Spectra of Systems Described by a Nonlinear Langevin Equation Driven by Random and Periodic Forces
- A Note on Electronic State of Random Lattice
- The Measurements of the Galvanomagnetic Tensors of Bismuth
- Note on Cumulant Average Used in Random Lattice Problem
- Electrical Properties α-In_2Se_3
- Phase Diagram of System (Bi_2Te_3)-(BiI_3)and Crystal Structure of BiTeI
- Second Harmonic Generation and Ferrimagnetic Resonance in YIG
- Note on Electronic State of Random Lattice. II
- Cell Dynamical System Approach for a Microemulsion System
- Effective Spin Hamiltonian for Nonorthogonal Orbitals. I : Linked-Cluster Expansion
- Note on Electronic State of Random Lattice. III
- The Measurement of the Galvanomagnetic Tensors of Bismuth
- Recovery Process of Protoplasmic Streaming from Its Cessation in Nitella Internodal Cell
- NMR Study of Spin State of Mn^ Impurity in Antiferromagnet CoCl_2・2H_2O
- Proton NMR Study of the Spin Structure of Mixed Antiferromagnets Co_Ni_xCl_2・6H_2O