Department of Applied Physics Tokyo Institute of Technology | 論文
- Stellar Evolution toward Pre-Supernova Stage. I : Carbon and Oxygen Stars of 5M_&odoi;, 10M_&odoi; and 30M_&odoi;
- New Magnetic Regenerator Materials with Broad Peaks of Magnetic Specific Heat
- Noise Spectrum of a Nonlinear Oscillator Driven by Periodic and Random Forces
- Effect of Fluctuations on the Resistive Superconducting Transition in Thallium Films
- Collisions between protoplanets : data analysis and classification
- Structural Changes and Compound Forming Effects in the Molten Sb-Te System Investigated by Molar Volume and Sound Velocity Measurements (Condensed Matter: Structure, Mechanical and Thermal Properties)
- Structural Changes and Compound Forming Effects in the Molten Sb-Te System Investigated by Molar Volume and Sound Velocity Measurements
- Thermodynamic and Electronic Properties of 3d-transition Metals in the Liquid State
- The Dynamical Magnetic Characters of R_Y_IG and R_Gd_IG Studied by Spin Echo and High Frequency Magnetic Susceptibility Measurements
- Spin Echo Investigation of R_Y_IG
- Decay Times of Naphthalene Scintillators
- Spin Depolarization in Random Walk on a Linear Chain with Quasiperiodic Larmor Frequencies
- Implicit CIP(Cubic-Interpolated Propagation)Method in Two Dimensions
- Instability and Breaking up of a Bulk of Gas with a High Relative Velocity to a Surrounding Liquid
- Josephson and Quasiparticle Tunneling in Anisotropic High-Tc d-Wave Superconductors(Special Issue on Superconductive Electronics)
- Fabrication of YBCO/CeO_2/YBCO Multilayer Junctions and Their Characteristics
- Sound Velocity and Molar Volume of Liquid Sn-Se Alloys
- Molar Volume and Compressibility of the Liquid Bi-Se system
- Window-Like Coherent States and Their Subharmonic Bifurcations in s Successive Transition Process of the Williams Domain
- Time-evolution of bubble formation in a viscous liquid