Department of Aeronautical Engineering Faculty of Engineering Kyoto University | 論文
- Topology of Supercluster-Void Structure
- Determination of bisphenol A in river water and body fluid samples by stir bar sorptive extraction with in situ derivatization and thermal desorption-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
- Molecular Simulation of Rarefied Supersonic Free Jets by DSMS Method
- Velocity Analysis of Supersonic Molecular Beams of NH_3, C_2H_2, CO_2 and SF_6
- Balloon Catheter Test in Patients with Atrial Septal Defect and Patent Ductus Arteriosus
- Surveillance and Follow-up of Patients with Implanted Cardiac Pacemaker by Telephone Transmission
- Two Dimensional Steady MHD Jet under the Influence of Thermal Radiation
- Is Angular Momentum in an Accretion Disk Transported Inwards?
- Relationship of Dietary Intake and Lifestyle Factors to Health-Related Quality of Life in the Community-Dwelling Elderly
- Molecular Dynamics Analysis of the Formation of Surface Roughness during Si Etching in Chlorine-Based Plasmas
- Three-Dimensional Atomic-Scale Cellular Model and Feature Profile Evolution during Si Etching in Chlorine-Based Plasmas: Analysis of Profile Anomalies and Surface Roughness
- Particle Simulations of Sheath Dynamics in Low-Pressure Capacitively Coupled Argon Plasma Discharges
- Atomic-Scale Cellular Model and Profile Simulation of Si Etching: Analysis of Profile Anomalies and Microscopic Uniformity
- Flows in a Rotating Cylinder with a Sloping Bottom
- Non-axisymmetric flow in a rotating cylinder : Incompressible and compressible fluids
- Drag on a Gravitating Sphere Moving through a Gas : Astrophysics and Relativity
- Low Reynolds Number Shear Flow along an Elliptic Hole in a Wall
- The Applicability of Formal Specification to Maintenance of Large-Scale Software
- Flow of Viscous Fluid at Small Reynolds Numbers past a Porous Body
- Effects of Electric Field and Poling on the Mode I Energy Release Rate for Two Symmetric Edge Cracks in Rectangular Piezoelectric Ceramic Strips