Flows in a Rotating Cylinder with a Sloping Bottom
- 論文の詳細を見る
An analytic solution of non-axisymmetric flow in a rotating cylinder with asloping bottom and a flat top, which is rotating slightly farster than the otherwalls, is obtained for compressible fluid, and is compared with the imcompres-sible counterpart considered by Pedlosky and Greenspan. In the incompressiblefluid the flow field is z-independent due to Taylor-Proudman theorem, and thephenomenon so called westward intensification is observed. In the compressiblecase, on the other hand, horizontal flow lines are circular, while non-axisym-metric weak z-motion is induced by the bottom slope.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1983-11-15
Matsuda Takuya
Department Of Aeronautical Engineering Kyoto University
Takeda Hidenori
Department Of Aeronautical Engineering Kyoto University
Nakagawa Keizo
Department Of Advanced Materials Institute Of Technology And Science The University Of Tokushima
Nakagawa Keizo
Department Of Aeronautical Engineering Kyoto University:national Space Development Agency Of Japan
Matsuda Takuya
Department Of Aeronautical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Kyoto University
Takeda Hidenori
Department of Aeronautical Engineering,Kyoto University
- Chapter II Evolution of the Expanding Hot Universe
- On the Dissipation of Primordial Turbulence in the Expanding Universe
- Galaxy Formation and the Primordial Turbulence in the Expanding Hot Universe
- Cooling of Pre-Galactic Gas Clouds by Hydrogen Molecule
- Formation of H_2 and Galaxies in the Hot Universe
- Gas Drag on a Rotating Body with Gravity
- Comments on "Angular Momentum Transport in Quasi-Keplerian Accretion Disks"(Astrophysics and Relativity)
- On Kinetic Theory Viscosity in a Rotating Gas
- Effect of Radiation Drag on Hoyle-Lyttleton Accretion
- Application of a Microreactor in the Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane to Propylene on Calcium Hydroxyapatite and Magnesium ortho-Vanadate Doped and Undoped with Palladium
- Application of Heavy-Metal-Free Pd/C Catalyst for the Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Sodium Lactate to Pyruvate in an Aqueous Phase under Pressurized Oxygen
- Instability of Astrophysical Jets. II : Numerical Simulation of Two-Dimensional Choked Underexpanded Slab Jets : Astrophysics and Relativity
- Instability of Astrophysical Jets. I : Numerical Simulation of Axisymmetric Opposing Jets : Astrophysics and Relativity
- Numerical Simulations of Interaction between Stellar Wind and Interstellar Medium : Astrophysics and Relativity
- Effects of Organosilica-derived Microporous Coverage of Carbon-supported Pt Catalysts on Dehydrogenation of Cyclohexane
- Effects of several harmful anions on the removal of aqueous phosphate by boehmite
- Redox Nature of Fe-Incorporated Magnesium ortho-Vanadate as a Catalyst for the Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane
- Effects of Coverage of Silica-supported Ni Catalysts with Silica upon Formation of Carbon Nanofibers with Uniform Diameter by Ethylene Decomposition
- Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Hollow Hexagonal Cylinder Co-SiO_2 Composites Prepared in a Micelle Solution
- Statistical Formulation of Electromagnetism in the Expanding Universe and Arrow of Time : Astrophysics and Relativity
- Numerical Simulation of Viscous Flow by Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics : Astrophysics and Relativity
- Were planetesimals formed by dust accretion in the solar nebula?
- Resonance between Primordial Gravitational Waves and a Galaxy
- On the Acoustic Decay of Primordial Cosmic Turbulence
- Response of Gas to an Ovally Deformed Gravitational Potential of a Disk Galaxy
- Topology of Supercluster-Void Structure
- Application of Heavy-Metal-Free Pd/C Catalyst for the Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Sodium Lactate to Pyruvate in an Aqueous Phase under Pressurized Oxygen
- Is Angular Momentum in an Accretion Disk Transported Inwards?
- Flows in a Rotating Cylinder with a Sloping Bottom
- Non-axisymmetric flow in a rotating cylinder : Incompressible and compressible fluids
- Drag on a Gravitating Sphere Moving through a Gas : Astrophysics and Relativity
- Application of a Microreactor in the Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane to Propylene on Calcium Hydroxyapatite and Magnesium ortho-Vanadate Doped and Undoped with Palladium
- Effects of Electric Field and Poling on the Mode I Energy Release Rate for Two Symmetric Edge Cracks in Rectangular Piezoelectric Ceramic Strips
- Time Variation of Metal Abundance in Galaxies : Super-Metal-Rich Stage
- Meridional Flow of Compressible Fluid in a Rapidly Rotating Short Cylinder
- Meteorology in a Space Colony
- Cold Neutron Star Model in Brans-Dicke Theory of Gravity
- Galactic Shock Waves and Corrugation Waves
- Hydrodynamic Calculations of Spherical Gravitational Collapse in the Scalar-Tensor Theory of Gravity
- Numerical Simulation of the Interaction between an L1 Stream and an Accretion Disk in a Close Binary System
- Dissipation of Primordial Turbulence and Thermal History of the Universe
- Heat-Up of Rotating Stratified Fluid
- On the Gravitational Collapse in Brans-Dicke Theory of Gravity
- Flow in Close Binary Systems
- Hydrodynamical Behaviour of Gas Spheres with Masses of 10^4 ofcir to 10^ ofcir
- Improved Adsorption of Basic Protein on Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles Synthesized Using a Lamellar Template of Sodium Dodecylphosphate
- Effective Surface Modification of Titanate Nanosheets Using the Lamellar Self-assembly of a Cationic Amine Surfactant as a Template
- Hydroxyapatite particle characteristics influence the enhancement of the mechanical and chemical properties of conventional restorative glass ionomer cement
- The Sound Generated by Cosmic Turbulence and the Origin of Galaxies
- Chapter 17 Drag on a Gravitating Body : Part V Physical Processes Relevant to the Planetary Growth : Origin of the Solar System
- Comments on "Angular Momentum Transport in Quasi-Keplerian Accretion Disks"(Astrophysics and Relativity)
- Preparation of Pd Nanoparticles Covered with Organosilica Layers and Their Catalytic Properties for Cyclohexane Dehydrogenation
- The Oxidative Esterification of Propionaldehyde to Methyl Propionate in the Liquid-Phase Using a Heterogeneous Palladium Catalyst
- New proposal for a gas centrifuge rotating differentially. II. Non-rotating side wall.
- Isotope Separation by Thermally Driven Countercurrent Gas Centrifuge
- Evolution of Galaxies and Secular Variation of Cosmic Rays, Magnetic Fields and Turbulence
- The Oxidative Esterification of Propionaldehyde to Methyl Propionate in the Liquid-Phase Using a Heterogeneous Palladium Catalyst