Department Of Physics Shimane University | 論文
- Strain Relaxation in InGaAs Epilayers on GaAs by Means of Twin Formation
- Indistinct Defect Images in Topographs of Nearly Perfect Aluminum Crystals Just Prior to Appearance of Dislocation Loops : Condensed Matter: Structure, etc.
- Synchrotron Radiation Topographic Camera for Continuous Observation
- A Solvable Relativistic Four-Body Composite System in 1+1 Dimensions and New Intrinsic Couplings between Its Structure and Overall Translational Motion : Particles and Fields
- A New-Type of Prescription for Relativizing Static Form Factors of Three- and Four-Body Composite States
- Bosonization of the Extended Thirring Model with SU(2) Symmetry in the Minkowski Path Integral Formulation
- On the Determination of Microwave Conductivity from Eddy Current Loss in Planar Specimens of High Conductivities
- ESR Studies on Thermal Hysteresis of MnSe
- Antiphase Domain Structure in Gd_Sc_ Single-Crystal Alloys
- Ultrasonic Study of a Single Crystal Gd_Y_Lu_ Alloy in a Magnetic Field
- Freezing of Interstitial-Type Dislocation Loops Grown as Vacancy Sources in Nearly Perfect Aluminum Crystals
- Application of High-Resolution Film for Lithography to Synchrotron X-Ray Topography
- Improved High-Temperature X-Ray Lang Camera
- New Vacancy Source in Ultrahigh-Purity Aluminum Single Crystals with a Low Dislocation Density (Condensed Matter : Structure, Mechanical and Thermal Properties)
- Observation of Dislocation Lines in a Transistor by Electron-Acoustic Microscopy : Acoustical Measurements and Instrumentation
- Resonance Families and Local Duality Relations in the Meson-Baryon Scattering : Particles and Fields
- Veneziano-Like Model with 2q2q^^- Meson Trajectory and pp Scattering at 90゜_
- Interaction of Point Defects with Hydrogen in Germanium
- Sum Rule for the Structure Functions of the Deuteron from the Current Algebra on the Null-Plane(Nuclear Physics)
- Construction of N Body Bound State Solution of the Dirac Particles in 1+1 Dimensional Space-Time : Nuclear Physics