Department Of Physics Ochanomizu University | 論文
- Dces Faddeev's anomaly exist in Gauss law constraints?(素粒子物理学に於ける場の理論,研究会報告)
- Vortex Condensationで起る相転移とConfinement(ソフト領域におけるハドロン構造,研究会報告)
- 非可換ゲージ理論における赤外発散と低エネルギー定理について(総合報告)
- Electoronic Structure of BP Studied by Resomant Soft X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy
- 27aTG-4 レーザー干渉計型重力波検出器TAMA300におけるdl-制御の設計(27aTG 重力波,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)
- High Pressure Raman Study of KNbO_3-KTaO_3 and KNbO_3-NaNbO_3 Mixed Crystals
- Ferroelectric Phase Transition in Rb_2SO_4-(NH_4)_2SO_4 and Cs_2SO_4-(NH_4)_2SO_4 Mixed Crystals
- Dislocations and Fine Lines in Rochelle Salt Crystal
- Domain Walls Caught in Sudares in Rochelle Salt Crystal
- Quantum Subcritical Bubbles : Astrophysics and Relativity
- Vectorlike Quark Modelによるバリオン数生成
- Photoluminescene of KTaO_3 under Electric Field : Optical Properties of Condensed Matter
- The Photoluminescence Decay of the 2.2 eV-Emission Band in KTaO_3 Single Crystal
- Photoluminescence in KTaO_3 Single Crystal
- Ultrasonic Attenuation Study of the Order-Parameter Relaxation below the Neel Temperature in Rb_2CoF_4
- Ultrasonic Attenuation Study of Critical Fluctuations in Rb_2CoF_4 near the Neel Temperature
- Formation of stable non-gaussian velocity distribution on gravitational collapse and in merging process
- Implications of Baryon Asymmetry for the Electric Dipole Moment of the Neutron : Particles and Fields
- Electroweak Baryogenesis from Chargino Transport in the Supersymmetric Model : Particles and Fields
- Electron Spin Resonance in Second-Stage NiCl_2-Graphite Intercalation Compound