Department Of Chemical Engineering Indian Institute Of Technology | 論文
- Study of Rapidity Intervals from pN Interactions at 400 GeV
- Microfines disk centrifuge pneumatic classifier for fluid energy-based comminution systems
- A Simple and Robust Method of Tuning PID Controllers for Integrator/Dead Time Processes
- Aspergillus nigerによるクエン酸醗酵の動力学
- Mass Transfer Characteristics of a Counter Current Multi-Stage Bubble Column Scrubber
- Effect of Inlet Oxygen Concentration on Continuous Cultivation of Barker's Yeast in a Converging-Diverging Tube Airlift Fermentor
- Experimental Measurement and Model Based Inferencing of Solubility of Polyethylene in Xylene
- Characterization of Slag-Metal Droplet-Gas Emulsion in Oxygen Steelmaking Converters
- Modeling and Simulation of a Non-Isothermal Tubular Thermal Cracker
- An Optimal Model for Representing the Kinetics of Growth and Product Formation by Lactobacillus rhamnosus on Multiple Substrates
- Dynamic Model of Slag Foaming in Oxygen Steelmaking Converters
- Flow of Power-Law Liquids Past a Solid Sphere With and Without Radial Mass Flux at Moderate Reynolds Numbers
- Transient Analysis of Two-Phase Flow during Blowdown of a Pipeline Carrying Flashing Liquids
- Particulate Scrubbing in High-Velocity Water Sprays
- Steady Flow of Newtonian and Dilatant Fluids over an Array of Long Circular Cylinders
- Laminar Boundary Layer Heat Transfer to Power Law fluids: An Approximate Analytical Solution
- Modeling of Gas Absorption with an Exothermic Reaction in a Falling Liquid Film
- Inhibition of Proteases during Fermentation Improves Xylanase Production by Alkali Tolerant Aspergillus fumigatus AR1
- Preparation and Evaluation of Gastroretentive Floating Tablets of Silymarin