Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Osaka City University | 論文
- Study on the Nature of Starfish Larval Muscle Cells In Vitro
- Primary Culture of Mesodermal and Endodermal Cells of the Starfish Embryo
- Recovery of a Sasa tsuboiana population after mass flowering and death
- Inhibitory Effects of Green Tea Polyphenols on Growth and Cellular Adherence of an Oral Bacterium, Porphyromonas gingivalis
- Effects of Partially Hydrolyzed Guar Gum Intake on Human Intestinal Microflora and Its Metabolism
- A Continuous Production Method for Theamine by Immobilized Pseudomonas nitroreducens Cells
- A Novel Method of Production of Theanine by Immobilized Pseudomonas nitroreducens Cells
- Productivity and Some Properties of Egg Yolk Antibody (IgY) against Human Rotavirus Compared with Rabbit IgG
- Preventive Effect of Green Tea Polyphenols against Dental Caries in Conventional Rats
- In Vivo Effects of Tea Polyphenol Intake on Human Intestinal Microflora and Metabolism
- Comparative Antibacterial Activity of Quercitol Gallates(Biological Chemistry)
- Antibacterial Compounds from Oak, Quercus acuta Thunb.(Biological Chemistry)
- Inhibitory Effects of Green Tea Polyphenols on Glucan Synthesis and Cellular Adherence of Cariogenic Streptococci(Biological Chemistry)
- Adult diapause induced by the loss of water surface in the water strider, Aquarius paludum (Fabricius)
- A Study on the Mechanism of Nodding Initiation of the Flower Stalk in a Poppy, Papaver Rhoeas L.
- Change in the Actin Cytoskeleton during Seismonastic Movement of Mimosa pudica
- Electron microscopy of actin rods and bundles in Dictyostelium discoideum by high-pressure freezing
- Novel Actin Cytoskeleton: Actin Tubules
- Male Adults Attract Conspecific Adults in the Bean Bug, Riptortus clavatus THUNBERG : Heteroptera : Alydidae
- Sound Production in the Bean Bug, Riptortus clavatus THUNBERG (Heteroptera : Alydidae)