College of Pharmacy Nihon University | 論文
- P-9 漢方方剤の発癌プロモーター抑制作用
- Relative Inhibitory Activity of Berberine-Type Alkaloids against 12-ο-Tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate-Induced Inflammation in Mice
- (+)-α-Viniferin, an Anti-inflammatory Compound from Caragana chamlagu Root
- Study on the Constituents of Desmodium styracifolium
- インドメサシンの生物薬剤学的研究(第1報) : 家兎における, 静脈内投与時の血漿中濃度の解析, および十二指腸内投与時の剤形と吸収の関連性について
- The Conjugative Metabolism of 4-Methylumbelliferone and Deconjugation to the Parent Drug Examined by Isolated Perfused Liver and in Vitro Liver Homogenate of Rats
- The Concept of "Conformation" and the "Combinatorial Approach" for Parameter Estimation in a Multi-compartment Model System
- Studies on Ligand Binding Properties of Z-Fraction from Rat Liver Cytosol using 1-Anilino-8-Naphthalenesulfonate
- Pharmacokinetic Studies of Biliary Excretion. IV. The Relationship between the Biliary Excretion Behavior and the Elimination from Plasma of Azo Dyes and Triphenylmethane Dyes in Rat
- インドメサシンの生物薬剤学的研究(第2報) : ラット小腸管吸収機構およびヒト経口投与時における微粉化製剤の利用率
- Effect of Experimental Acute Renal Failure on Barriers to Permeation of a Polar Drug in Rat Jejunum : An Electrophysiological Analysis
- クロラムフエニコール親水性高分子化合物共沈物の溶解性と消化管吸収
- プルロニックL-64のミセル形成及びミセル構造に及ぼす温度の影響
- Regulation and improvement of triterpene formation in plant cultured cells of Eriobotrya japonica Lindl(CELL AND TISSUE ENGINEERING)
- クスノキ科植物のステロール成分
- EVS1-1 IgEによる未成熟ヒトマスト細胞のFcεRIを介する脱顆粒能の獲得とヒト型抗IgE抗体による抑制(EVS1 重症喘息の治療戦略〜IgEをターゲットとした治療,イブニングシンポジウム,第60回日本アレルギー学会秋季学術大会)
- Absorption and Metabolic Extraction of Diltiazem from the Perfused Rat Small Intestine
- Saturable Absorption of Glycerol in the Rat Intestine(Biopharmacy)
- Kinetic Characterization of Carrier-Mediated Transport Systems for D-Glucose and Taurocholate in the Everted Sacs of the Rat Colon
- Search for Carrier-Mediated Transport Systems in the Rat Colon