Chromosome Research Unit, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University | 論文
- Provisional chromosome assignment of the rat major histocompatibility complex
- A Note on Banded Karyotypes in Spontaneous Leukemias of the AKR Mouse
- Clonal origin of Ph1-positive cells in a case of 46,XX/47,XXX/48,XXXX mosaicism associated with chronic myelocytic leukemia.
- キイロショウジョウバエ構造性ヘテロクロマチンの分別染色〔英文〕
- Comparison of jaw muscle morphology in two sympatic callosciurine squirrels (Callosciurus erythraeus and Dremomys rufigenis) in Vietnam
- Cytogenetic effects of quercetin on cultured mammalian cells.
- High-resolution banding of the mouse chromosomes.
- Accumulation of Early Mitotic Cells in Ethidium Bromide-Treated Human Lymphocyte Cultures
- A complex translocation involving chromosomes 1,8, and 21 in acute myeloblastic leukemia.
- Chromosome Aberrations and Sister Chromatid Exchanges Induced by Tryptophan Pyrolysates, Trp-P-1 and Trp-P-2, in Cultured Human and Chinese Hamster Cells