Central Research Institute of Electric Power industry | 論文
- 電中研式原位置岩盤力学試験法の開発
- Foil Acceleration by Intense Pulsed Ion Beam Ablation Plasma
- Effect of Copper Content on Superelasticity Characteristics in Ti-Ni and Ti-Ni-Cu Alloy Wires
- A New Constitutive Equation for Superelastic Deformation and Prediction of Martensite Volume Fraction in Titanium-Nickel-Cupper Shape Memory Alloy
- Effect of Cyclic Deformation on Thermo-Mechanical Characteristics in Ti-Ni-Cu Alloy Wires with Various Copper Contents
- A New Fatigue Model for Titanium-Nickel-Cupper Shape Memory Alloy Subjected to Superelastic Cyclic Deformation
- Electrical Characteristics of Interface Defects in Oxides Grown at 1200℃ in Dry Oxygen Ambient on Silicon Carbide and Their
- Epitaxial Growth of Thick 4H-SiC Layers with a Reduced Micropipe Density in a Vertical Hot-Wall Reactor
- Response of lower trophic organisms to nutrient input and effects on carbon budget: a mesocosm experiment
- Moire Fringe Analysis of BaZrO_3 Nanorods in ErBa_2Cu_3O_ Films
- Critical Current Density Enhancement around a Matching Field in ErBa_2Cu_3O_ Films with BaZrO_3 Nano-Rods
- High Current Gain AlGaAs/GaAs Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors with Carbon-Doped Base Grown by Gas Source Molecular Beam Epitaxy Using Trimethylamine Alane as the Aluminum Source
- Carbon-Doped-Base AlGaAs/GaAs HBTs Grown by Gas-Source Molecular Beam Epitaxy Using Only Gaseous Sources
- Gas Source Molecular Beam Epitaxy Growth of High Quality AlGaAs Using Trimethylamine Alane as the Aluminum Source
- A Spontaneous Ovarian Immature Teratoma in a Juvenile Rat
- 2-B-4 Network DEA : A Basic Framework
- レター Possible Scenario to Start up DT Fusion Plant without Initial Loading of Tritium
- 高エネルギーX線用小型イメージセンサーの開発--測定最適条件および配管減肉識別に関するシミュレーション
- 超短パルス超高強度レーザーを用いた高速イオン源
- Decreased expression of c-Myc in X-ray-induced apoptotic cell death of human T-cell leukemia cell lineMOLT-4