高エネルギー加速器研究機構物質構造科学研究所 | 論文
- RBE of Carbon Ions for Tumor Growth Delay
- Fractionated irradiation with carbon ions induced resistance in mouse gut crypt cells
- Relative Biological Effectiveness of the 235 MeV Proton Beams at the National Cancer Center Hospital East
- Effects of sequentially mixed LET on tumor growth delay
- Fractionated irradiation with carbon ions to gut intestinal crypt cells
- 23pPSB-17 RB_2C_2系の結晶場における高次項の役割
- パルス中性子粉末回折法の発展
- MLF利用者支援体制について
- Spectra of Linear Energy Transfer vs. Relative Biological Effectiveness for Accelerated Heavier Ions upon Clonogenic Survival of V79 Cells
- Analysis of Mutations in the Human HPRT Gene induced by High LET Heavy-ion Irradiation
- Mechanisms of Interphase-Death Induction for CHO Cells Exposed to Accelerated Heavy-Ions
- RBE and OER for Cell Killing upon V79 Cells by Heavy-Ion Beams at a Very High LET Region
- Analysis of Mutations in the Human HPRT Gene Induced by Heavy-ion Irradiation II
- LET Dependence of Interphase Cell-Death Induction by Accelerated Heavy-Ions
- ターゲットタンパク研究プログラムの目指す放射光構造生物学
- Exploration of 'Over Kill Effect' of High-LET Ar-and Fe-ions by Evaluating the Fraction of Non-hit Cell and Interphase Death
- 21pPSA-12 軟X線吸収磁気円二色性測定によるウランモノカルコゲナイドの強磁性状態の研究(領域8ポスターセッション(f電子系等I),領域8,強相関係:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など)
- 24pZC-3 希薄磁性半導体Zn_Co_xOの磁気円二色性(磁性半導体,領域4(半導体, メゾスコピック系・局在))
- 30aPS-12 Celn_3とその関連物質の光電子分光(領域5ポスターセッション)(領域5)
- 27pYA-2 II-VI族希薄磁性半導体Zn_Co_xOの光電子分光と内殻吸収磁気円二色性(磁性半導体)(領域4)