関西電力病院耳鼻咽喉科 | 論文
- ベル麻痺新鮮例の治療方針--回復過程の検討結果より
- 興味あるBehcet氏徴候群症例
- 上咽頭癌におけるEBウィルス抗体価
- 保存軟骨板を利用した鼓室成形術コルメラ4型
- トブラシンの鼻ネブライザ-療法の検討--その安定性に関して
- 視性眼反射と前庭眼反射の相互作用について--supraliminal rotationにおけるOKVとVN両者の支援又は抑制
- 難治性滲出性中耳炎の病態-特に性差に着目して-
- Postoperative Aeration of the Tympanic Cavity in Relation to Eustachian Tube Function.
- 難治性滲出性中耳炎に対するCAM少量長期投与の効果
- Bacteria in chronic otitis media and its antimicrobial agent susceptibility.
- Postoperative intraorbital cyst after sinus operation - A case report.:-A Case Report-
- Treatment of patulous eustachian tube with injectable collagen.
- Usefulness of Ofloxacin Otic Solution.
- Volumetric changes of the aerated middle ear and mastoid after insertion of tympanostomy tubes - A preliminary report.:-A Preliminary Report-
- Study on flow rate after surgery for vocal cord polyps, nodules and Reinke's edema.
- Primary Hyperparathyroidism; Report of Six Cases.
- Chondroblastoma of the temporal bone. A case report.:-A Case Report-
- A case of IgD (.LAMBDA.)-multiple myeloma presenting a tonsillar tumor, characterized by various kinds of inclusions in tumor cells, as an initial manifestation.
- 弛緩部型真珠腫における進展度分類と聴力成績の検討