Primary Hyperparathyroidism; Report of Six Cases.
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Six patients were treated surgically for parathyroid adenoma. All were female with an age range of 40 to 77 years. Two patients were suffering from bone disease, one patient from renal lithiasis and two from symptoms due to hypercalcemia. The total serum calcium ranged from 10.2 to 10.8mg/dL (normal 8.2-10.0mg/dL). Parathormone levels ranged from 56-156pg/ml (normal 10-60pg/ml). Real-time ultrasonography, CT, MRI and Tl-Tc subtraction scintigraphy were performed. Ultrasonography and Tl-Tc scintigraphy revealed parathyroid tumors in five patients, but CT and MRI showed tumors in only two. We performed unilateral neck exploration in five patients. In the sixth patient exploration had to be extended to the contralateral side. Unilateral parathyroidectomies were performed in all six patients. There were no postoperative complications other than hypocalcemia. The serum calcium levels returned to normal in five patients. One patients had permanent hypocalcemia.
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