県西部浜松医療センター循環器科 | 論文
- 心筋膜活動電位立上り相の異方向性の成因に関する検討 : 動物実験とシミュレーションによる位相面図の比較 : 第58回日本循環器学会学術集会
- 30) 種痘後に生じた心筋炎の1例 : 日本循環器学会第49回東海地方会
- 心のう波減少に伴う体表面電位図変化 : 日本循環器学会第58回東海地方会
- 多彩な機能的伝導ブロックを認めた非通常型房室結節リエントリー性頻拍の1例
- 急性心筋梗塞に対し PercuSurge GuardWire Plus^ で末梢保護を行った経皮的冠動脈形成術の有用性の検討
- 40) 高齢者左房粘液腫の1例 : 日本循環器学会第50回東海・第35回北陸合同地方会
- 自己免疫疾患的性格を有する肺高血圧症の1例 : 第46回日本循環器学会東海地方会
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- Clinical evaluation of antianginal effects of celiprolol (NBP-582) with treadmill exercise testing. A randomized double-blind crossover study in comparison with placebo.:A Randomized Double-Blind Crossover Study in Comparison with Placebo
- Evaluation of antianginal effects of nisoldipine (BAY k 5552) by serial multistage treadmill exercise testing.
- Evaluation of drug efficacy of L-carnitine chloride on angina pectoris of effort using multistepped treadmill exercise test.
- Clinical evaluation of antianginal effects of carvediol (DQ-2466) with treadmill exercise testing in patients with effort angina pectoris. A randomized double-blind cross-over study in comparison with placebo.:A Randomized Double-Blind Cross-Over Study in
- Frequency dependent effects of class I antiarrhythmic drugs.Examination in permanent pacemaker inplant patients.
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- Clinical evaluation of the antianginal effects of transdermal therapeutic system-nitroglycerin (TTS-NTG) by the serial multistage treadmill exercise testing.
- A comparative study on antianginal effects of single topical application of 5mg NT-1 and 10mg NT-1 in patients with stable effort angina pectoris. A randomised double-blind cross-over study using multistage treadmill exercise testing.:A Randomised Double-
- :Soft Capsule Form
- Clinical evaluation of the effects of levocarnitine chloride (LC-80) on exercise tolerance in stable angina pectoris by the serial multistage treadmill exercise testing: a multicenter, doubleblind study.