東京大学医学部第1内科 | 論文
- A Report on a Japanese Family with LCAT Deficiency
- Effect of Synthetic LH-RH and its Analogues on Cyclic AMP Formation, LH and FSH Release in Rat Anterior Pituitary
- Behavior of small and large molecular hepatitis B e antigens in patients with chronic HBV infection and its relationship with liver injury.
- An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of serum group I pepsinogen using a monoclonal antibody and its clinical application.
- Detection of IgManti-HBc in the cases of HBsAg-positive chronic liver disease with acute exacerbations.
- Effects of Piretanide, a New Diuretic, on Platelet Prostaglandin Metabolism.
- Studies on the uronic acid metaboIism
- Long-term follow-up study of chronic hepatitis B virus carriers with and without hepatitis.
- Studies on Somatotropin-release Inhibiting Factor
- Pepsinogen gene regulation in normal adult rat tissues.
- 人間ドック時の血清ペプシノゲン測定(血液法)による胃癌スクリーニング(胃ドック)
- Restriction analysis of pepsinogen I genes in Japanese.
- Vassactive Intestinal Polypeptide (VIP) Stimulation of Cyclic AMP Formation in Rat Anterior Pituitary, Hypothalamus and Brain Medulla
- タイトル無し
- The therapeutic efficacy of antiviral agents and corticosteroid for HBeAg-positive patients with chronic hepatitis: From the behavior of HBeAg concentration in serum.
- A new hepatitis B virus marker: detection of pre-S antigen with monoclonal antibody.
- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し
- Expression of c-myc mRNA in surgically resected stomach cancer tissues.
- 9. 当院における腹水濃縮濾過再静注 : 現状と課題(一般演題,日本アフェレシス学会第22回関東甲信越地方会抄録)