日本歯科大学口腔外科学教室第2講座 | 論文
- Digital processing of medical images. An outline of the systems.:An Outline of the Systems
- 口腔外科領域におけるハイドロキシアパタイト セラミック Alveograf^( !R)の臨床評価-多施設における共同研究-
- Structural changes of mandible after sagittal split osteotomy.
- 歯肉に発生した疣贅型黄色腫の1例
- エナメル上皮線維歯牙腫の2症例
- タイトル無し
- Two cases of benign cementoblastoma - Observation and color analysis of the microradiogram.:Observation and color analysis of the micmradiogram
- A Case of tonsillar calculus
- 下唇に発生した神経鞘腫の1例
- 2 cases of psychogenic reaction in the surgical dental treatment.
- Three cases of partial anodontia in a family.
- 特異な組織構造を呈した複雑性歯牙腫の1例
- Stractural changes of alveolar bone following hydroxyapatite ceramics implantation(2). Comparative observation with iliac bone transplantation by means of angiography.:Comparative observation with iliac bone transplantation by means of angiography
- A double blind comparative study on a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, TA-60, in pain after dental extraction. In order to determine optimal dose.:In order to determine optimal dose
- Stractural changes of alveolar bone following hydroxyapatite ceramics implantaion.1. Comparative observation with iliac bone transplantation by means of mecroradiography and labelling method.:Comparative observation with iliac bone transplantation by mean