広島大学歯学部口腔外科学 | 論文
- Study of oral and other tissue distribution of cefbuperazone(CBPZ).
- Purification, molecular cloning and characterization of fibroblast growth factor-1 in mouse submandibular gland.
- 顎骨嚢胞性疾患に対する副腔形成療法の臨床的検討
- 耳下腺部乳頭状嚢腺リンパ腫(Warthin腫瘍)の1例
- 縦隔炎を併発した歯性感染症の1例
- Influence of hematoporphyrin derivative and photoradiation against culture cells derived from oral and maxillofacial region.
- 興味ある臨床所見を示した中心性巨細胞肉芽腫の1例
- 下顎骨に発生した中心性巨細胞肉芽腫
- 口腔由来正常上皮細胞および口腔癌細胞の無血清培養下での増殖に及ぼすEGF,FGFの影響ならびにこれら細胞における受容体解析
- 過去11年間当教室における顎顔面骨骨折の臨床統計的観察
- 多種の奇形を伴った口唇口蓋列の1例
- A case of an amelanotic malignant melanoma successfully treated with LAK therapy.
- A case of hamartoma of the tongue.
- Experimental and clinical evaluation of the local therapy with solid and oil bleomycin for the oral cancer
- A case of amelanotic malignant melanoma in the maxilla.
- High-dose methotrexate citrovorum factor rescue and VEPA therapy as a post-operative adjuvant chemotherapy for the osteosarcoma of the mandible.
- Monoclonal antibodies against human cell line (Ueda-1) derived from the squamous cell carcinoma of the floor of the mouth.
- A case of left lung complete collapse suddenly occurring after operation for a mandibular fracture in a patient with multiple injuries.
- 放射線誘発と思われる下顎骨骨肉腫の1例
- Establishment of normal epithelial cell lines from mouse submandibular gland in serum-free cell culture.