大阪大学薬学部 | 論文
- Creation of Novel Cell-Penetrating Peptides for Intracellular Drug Delivery Using Systematic Phage Display Technology Originated from Tat Transduction Domain(Biochemistry)
- Non-Methylated CpG Motif Packaged into Fusogenic Liposomes Enhance Antigen-Specific Immunity in Mice(Highlighted paper selected by Editor-in-chief,Pharmacology)
- Vaccine Efficacy of Fusogenic Liposomes Containing Tumor Cell-Lysate against Murine B16BL6 Melanoma(Pharmacology)
- Anti-tumor Responses Induced by Chemokine CCL19 Transfected into an Ovarian Carcinoma Model via Fiber-Mutant Adenovirus Vector(Biopharmacy)
- Fusogenic Liposome can be Used as an Effective Vaccine Carrier for Peptide Vaccination to Induce Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte (CTL) Response(Biopharmacy)
- 奨励賞受賞野水基義氏の業績
- ファージ表面提示法を駆使した機能性人工蛋白質の創出とDDSへの展開
- Medicinal foodstuffs (33) Gastroprotective principles from Boesenbergia rotunda (zingiberaceae): absolute stereostructures of diels-alder type addition prenylchalcones
- Marine Natural Products. XXIII. : Three New Cytotoxic Dimeric Macrolides, Swinholides B and C and Isoswinholide A, Congeners of Swinholide A, from the Okinawan Marine Sponge Theonella swinhoei
- 17 Theonella属海綿の産生する二量体マクロリド類の化学構造と抗腫瘍活性(口頭発表の部)
- Marine Natural Products. XXII. : The Absolute Stereostructure of Swinholide A, a Potent Cytotoxic Dimeric Macrolide from the Okinawan Marine Sponge Theonella swinhoei
- 薬学図書館をかんがえる
- 水圏の微生物による化学物質分解シミュレーション試験法 : TOC Die-Away法
- 受容体型プロテインチロシンホスファターゼLARによるインスリンのシグナル伝達制御機構
- 免疫寛容の誘導における腸管上皮内リンパ球のエフェクター機能
- Pharmacological Activity of Chemically Modified Subfragment from Human Serum IgG. XIV. Inhibitory Effect of Carboxamide-Methylated Light Chain (G_1L) on Tyrosine Phosphorylation and Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Production from Murine Macrophages Stimulated by
- Induction of Unresponsiveness of Antigen-Specific T Lymphocytes by Oral Administration of Cedar Pollen Extract in Mice
- Studies on Thermophile Products. XI. Biological Effect of Antigen Presenting Inhibitor, Isofatty Acid-Containing Phosphatidylethanolamine, on Mouse Macrophages
- Studies on Thermophile Products. X. Further Biological Properties of Isofatty Acid-Containing Phosphatidylglycerol That Enhances the Induction of Suppressor T Cells
- Studies on Thermophile Products. IX. Isofatty Acid-Containing Phosphatidylglycerol That Enhances the Induction of Concanavalin A-Activated Suppressor T Cells