大阪大学薬学部 | 論文
- Studies on Thermophile Products. VIII. Isolation of Bacillus stearothermophilus UBT8038,a Component That Inhibits Antigen Presentation on Mouse Macrophages
- Inhibitory Effect of Tuna Peptide on Endothelin Production in Cultured Endothelial Cells
- Studies on Thermophile Products. VII. Effect of 1,3-Di-14-methylpentadecanoyl Glycerol and Its Related Isofatty Acids on T Cell Proliferation in Vitro
- Studies on Pharmacological Activation of Human Immunoglobulin G by Chemical Modification and Active Subfragments. XIII. Effect of Carboxamidemethylated Fc Fragment (CM-Fc) on Type II Collagen-Induced Arthritis in DBA/1J Mice
- Abnormal Accumulation of Copper-Metallothionein in the Liver and Kidney of Long-Evans Rats with a Cinnamon-Like Coat Color (LEC Rats)
- Serum Hepatocyte Growth Factor Activity and Hepatocyte Proliferation in Long-Evans with a Cinnamon-Like Coat Color Rats with Hepatic Lesions
- Studies on Pharmacological Activation of Human Immunoglobulin G by Chemical Modification and Active Subfragments. XII. Effect of Carboxamidemethylated Fc Fragment (CM-Fc) from Human Immunoglobulin G on Mixed Lymphocyte Reaction
- Pharmacological Activity of Chemically Modified Subfragment from Human Serum IgG. XI. Increment of Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) Activity in Mouse Sera by Carboxamide-Methylated Light Chain
- Studies on Thermophile Products. VI. Activation of Mouse Peritoneal Macrophages by Bis(2-hydroxyethyl) Trisulfide
- Studies on Pharmacological Activation of Human Immunoglobulin G by Chemical Modification and Active Subfragments. X. Effect of Carboxamidemethylated Fc Fragment (CM-Fc) from Human Immunoglobulin G on Delayed Type Hypersensitivity
- Characterization of Capacitation Inhibitory Protein from Rabbit Seminal Plasma : Homology with Human Annexins
- Studies on Pharmacological Activation of Human Serum Immunoglobulin G by Chemical Modification and Active Subfragments. IX. Anti-inflammatory Activity of Completely Alkylated Heavy Chain (C.Fr.I-H)
- Studies on Thermophile Products. V. Immunosuppressive Profile in Vitro of Bacillus stearothermophilus Component, Fr.5-B
- サリチル酸ナトリウム,エチレンジアミン四酢酸ニナトリウム,及びポリオキシエチレン(23)ラウリルエーテルのセフォキシチンナトリウム直腸吸収促進効果の比較(発表論文抄録(1985年))
- エピネフリン代謝物によるセフメタゾール,セホキシチンのラット直腸吸収促進及びセファマイシン系抗生物質の高速液体クロマトグラフィーによる血中濃度の測定(発表論文抄録(1984年),福山大学開学10周年記念号)
- 光学活性アセタール類を利用する遠隔位不斉誘導反応の開発と天然物不斉合成への応用
- リパーゼの不斉識別能を活用する新規不斉合成反応の開発研究
- 生理活性ペプチドの高分子ハイブリッド化 DDS - ポリスチレンマレイン酸によるラミニン関連細胞接着ペプチドのバイオコンジュゲーションとその癌転移抑制効果 -
- ハイブリッド化インターロイキン-6の創製とその造血用増強効果
- ケモカイン及びサイトカイン発現アデノウイルスベクターの併用による癌遺伝子治療の最適化