大阪大学医学部耳鼻咽喉科学教室 | 論文
- タイトル無し
- Autonomic nervous function tests in patients with nasal hyperreactivity.
- をなもみ実の異物症4例
- Effects of Blood Pressure on Cochlear Blood Flow in Normal and Hydropic Guinea Pigs
- Histamine Metabolism in Nasal Polyps.
- Clinical Evaluation of an Oral Hemostatic Agent, Opthalm K in Surgery for Paranasal Sinusitis.
- 内リンパ水腫と補体
- Centric and Eccentric VOR Tests in Patients with Meniere's disease
- Effects of Transient Ischemia on Endoiymph Oxygen Tension in Guinea Pigs
- 成人用語音了解度検査法と補聴器の適応 (内藤儁教授退官記念論文集)
- 鼻腔硬性乳嘴腫2例
- Action mechanism of Tranilast in secretory otitis media.
- Clinical Evaluation of Tsumura-Saireito in Otitis Media with Effusion.
- Autogenic Training for Patients with Vertigo
- Further Observations on Anaphylatoxin Activity in the Cochlear Organ of Guinea Pigs
- 舌良性腫瘍3例
- 滲出性中耳炎の難治因子について-血清IgAの検討-
- 総合的平衡機能検査装置 (MVM-C2) による Centric 及び Eccentric VOR検査
- 外鼻癌剖検例
- タイトル無し