北里大学 薬学部 | 論文
- Chemical constituents of an Uzbek medicinal plant, Perovskia scrophularifolia
- Induction of Various Mutations during PCRs with Manganese and 8-Hydroxy-dGTP
- Induction of Transition and Transversion Mutations during Random Mutagenesis PCR by the Addition of 2-Hydroxy-dATP (Biochemistry/Molecular Biology)
- 実務実習はどうあるべきか (特集 薬学教育の転換期) -- (実務実習の充実に向けて)
- Evaluation of volatile components from spikenard : valerena-4,7(11)-diene is a highly active sedative compound
- Sedative effects of vapor inhalation of agarwood oil and spikenard extract and identification of their active components
- cDNA Isolation and Functional Expression of Myrcene Synthase from Perilla frutescens(Pharmacognosy)
- Field Survey of Glycyrrhiza Plants in Central Asia (3) Chemical Characterization of G. glabra Collected in Uzbekistan
- Field Survey of Glycyrrhiza Plants in Central Asia (2). : Characterization of Phenolics and Their Variation in the Leaves of Glycyrrhiza Plants Collected in Kazakhstan
- Field Survey of Glycyrrhiza Plants in Central Asia (1). Characterization of G. uralensis, G. glabra and the Putative Intermediate Collected in Kazakhstan
- Phlomisflavosides A and B, New Flavonol Bisglycosides from Phlomis spinidens
- Chemical Constituents of Prangos tschimganica ; Structure Elucidation and Absolute Configuration of Coumarin and Furanocoumarin Derivatives with Anti-HIV Activity
- Farnesyl Hydroxybenzoic Acid Derivatives from Ferula kuhistanica
- Secoiridoid Glycosides from Gentiana olivieri
- Gentic Analysis of Nothoapiol Formation in Perilla frutescens
- Molecular Cloning, Functional Expression and Characterization of d-Limonene Synthase from Agastache rugosa
- Molecular Cloning, Functional Expression and Characterization of(E)-β-Farnesene Synthase from Citrus junos
- 気管支拡張薬--呼吸器疾患患者におけるテオフィリンの薬物動態と使用上の留意点 (特集 薬学的視点から薬をみる力--薬物動態パラメータをどう読むか?) -- (薬効別 薬の特性把握のポイント)
- Blockade by NIP-142, an Antiarrhythmic Agent, of Carbachol-Induced Atrial Action Potential Shortening and GIRK1/4 Channel
- Molecular Recognition of Deoxycholic Acids by Pyrene-Appended γ-Cyclodextrin Connected with a Rigid Azacrown Spacer