北海道大学歯学部口腔病理学教室 | 論文
- Necrotizing sialometaplasiaの1例
- 当科の頸部郭清例の検討
- 頸部郭清術後の臨床経過について
- 硬口蓋部に生じた結核性潰瘍の1例
- A case of Hodgkin's disease.
- 耳下腺部に生じた悪性血管周皮腫の一例
- A case of tuberculosis of the tongue.
- A case of adenolymphoma of parotid gland associated with squamous cell carcinoma of the floor of the mouth.
- A case of malignant melanoma (amelanotic type) of upper gum.
- Sjogren 症候群における唾液腺造影像の再検討
- DNA analysis of oral leukoplakias by flow cytometry.
- Usefulness of flow cytometry to predict the radio-responsiveness of tumors.
- Flow cytometric analysis of nuclear DNA content in oral squamous cell carcinomas. Compared with the clinical observation.:Compared with the clinical observation
- 口底扁平上皮癌の治療成績の検討
- Marginal resection of the mandible for carcinoma of the floor of the mouth.
- Peripheral T-cell malignant lymphoma in oral cavity: Report of a case.
- 7歳小児の下顎骨に生じた非ホジキンリンパ腫の一例
- Experimental study on disseminated intravascular coagulation(DIC). 1. Experimental model of DIC induced by endotoxin in rabbits and diagnostic criteria for DIC(DIC score).:1. Experimental model of DIC induced by endotoxin in rabbits and diagnostic criteri
- A case of thyroglossal tract fistula.
- Experimental study on disseminated intravascular coagulation(DIC). II. Effects of aspirin on experimental DIC induced by endotoxin in rabbits.:II. Effects of aspirin on experimental DIC induced by endotoxin in rabbits