京都大学原子炉実験所附属粒子線腫瘍学研究センター | 論文
- Time Course and Spacial Distribution of UV Effects on Human Skin in Organ Culture
- The First Life Science Experiments in ISS : Reports of "Rad Gene"-Space Radiation Effects on Human Cultured Cells-
- 中性子捕捉療法の現状と将来
- 硼素中性子捕捉療法時の患部近傍での放射化の評価
- 癌放射線治療の新たなパラダイム : 硼素中性子捕捉療法(癌細胞選択的放射線治療)の現状と将来
- 放射線誘発バイスタンダー効果におけるDMSOの影響
- Increase in Irradiation Beam Intensity by Using a Hybrid Target System in Cyclotron-Based Neutron Capture Therapy
- Recent Advances in the Biology of Heavy-Ion Cancer Therapy
- ATM is the Predominant Kinase Involved in the Phosphorylation of Histone H2AX after Heating
- γ-ray Irradiation Enhanced Boron-10 Compound Accumulation in Murine Tumors
- A Simple and Rapid Method for Measurement of ^B-para-Boronophenylalanine in the Blood for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Using Fluorescence Spectrophotometry
- Boron Neutron Capture Therapy for Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma
- Evaluation of Hypoxia-specific Cytotoxic Bioreductive Agent-sodium Borocaptate-^B Conjugates as ^B-carriers in Boron Neutron Capture Therapy
- S-4-4 From Regionally Selective Radiotherapy to Cellular Selective Radiotherapy(Aiming Further Development of Radiotherapy, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Usefulness of Hexamethylenetetramine as an Adjuvant to Radiation and Cisplatin in the Treatment of Solid Tumors : its Independency of p53 Status
- 硼素中性子捕捉療法(Boron Neutron Capture Therapy;BNCT)の現状と将来展望--癌細胞選択照射がもたらすWhole Organ Radiotherapyの可能性 (特集 放射線治療:画像誘導放射線治療--IGRTを中心に)
- 肝、肺腫瘍に対する硼素中性子捕捉療法の試み (第41回京都大学原子炉実験所学術講演会 報文集)
- 硼素中性子捕捉療法におけるDose Volume Histgram(DVH)解析 (京都大学原子炉実験所第39回学術講演会 報文集)
- 熱中性子照射におけるDNA-PKcs阻害剤の生物学的効果
- 癌のホウ素中性子捕捉療法--捕獲反応α粒子による細胞選択的放射線治療